Friday, January 8, 2016

Trump on the Issues

Donald Trump’s Survey responses from the Tea Party Partiot’s Survey.

Donald John Trump Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, investor, author, television personality, and candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election. He is chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump’s career, branding efforts, lifestyle, and outspoken manner helped make him a celebrity for years, a status amplified by the success of his NBC reality show, The Apprentice.

Trump is a son of Fred Trump, a New York City real estate developer. He was strongly influenced by his father in choosing a career in real estate development.[Trump worked for his father’s firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son, while attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and joined the company in 1968 upon graduation. In 1971, he was given control of the company, and renamed it “The Trump Organization”. He is a major figure in U.S. real estate and a media celebrity.

Trump ran an exploratory campaign for president in 2000 seeking the nomination of the Reform Party, and won primaries in Michigan and California, but ended his effort before that party nominated Pat Buchanan. On June 16, 2015, Trump announced his candidacy for president in the 2016 election, seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. His early campaigning drew intense media coverage and garnered high levels of popular support.[11]

Since July 2015 he has consistently been the front-runner in public opinion polls for the Republican Party nomination. Trump’s anti-illegal-immigration politics are a defining contrast with Republicans who have supported legal status for long-term illegal immigrants via the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, and have earned him support among working-class voters amid much controversy in the media.He also received widespread notoriety for proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until better security precautions are implemented.

Survey Responses:
1. Term Limits for Congress
Will you use your position and influence as President of the United States to compel Congress to pass and ratify a Constitutional Amendment establishing term limits for Congress?
yes [ 4 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
Every effort must be made to reduce the influence of special interests have on our federal government. Along with seeking a Constitutional amendment to limit the terms of members of Congress, we should seek a Constitutional amendment to balance the budget. Tax reform would be the third reform necessary to greatly diminish the corrupting influences of special interests on our government.

2. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)
Will you sign a bill that repeals in its entirety the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
yes [ 5 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
Free market solutions will reduce health care cost, will increase health insurance access and will greatly reduce financial burdens on individuals and businesses. This will be one of my top priorities.

3. Washington Exemption from Obamacare
Will you sign an Executive Order overturning the Office of Personnel Management ruling that allows Members of Congress to receive illegal health insurance premium subsidies?
yes [ 4 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue

4. The Penny Plan
Will you commit to presenting a budget based on the Penny Plan, which calls for spending one penny less for every dollar spent by the federal government in the previous year?
no [ 3 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
I will not support the Penny Plan but will propose strict budget discipline. I will propose budgets that freeze overall spending levels until such time as the budget comes into balance. This approach eliminates the criticisms associated with constantly increasing spending and allows the Executive branch to find the funds necessary within existing resources to reshape spending priorities. Congress, knowing that I will not sign a budget that increases spending until the budget is balance, will work with the Executive branch and the American people to do what is best for the country.

5. Common Core
Will you break the connection between the allocation of federal education funds and the implementation of Common Core standards?
yes [ 5 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
All control of K12 education should be given to parents and teachers at the local level. The federal government role in public education should be limited, at best.

6. The Tax Code
Will you commit to introducing and working to enact a tax reform plan that makes the tax code simpler, flatter, and fairer?
yes [ 5 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
My tax proposal has been graded as the most pro-growth of all the tax plans offered by any other candidate. The purpose of my tax reforms is to put more money in the pockets of middle class Americans. My proposal goes to four brackets, eliminates the death tax, eliminates carve outs for special interests and allows Americans to have more economic security. The most significant feature of my tax reform plan is in the corporate tax area. The plan reduces corporate taxes to 15% for ALL businesses, allows repatriation of off-shore funds at a 10% rate and reduces carve outs for special interests. This influx of capital will spur growth and encourage foreign direct investment. The jobs created will clear our 9 million job backlog and put us on a trajectory to unbridled economic growth.

7. Immigration
Will you implement the biometric Entry/Exit Visa system mandated by law?
yes [ 5 / 5 ]
1 = Not likely to make critical issue.
5 = Very likely to make critical issue
Everyone knows my position on immigration and the Rule of Law. The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security will enforce the laws of this land. We have no government and no country if we do not have the Rule of Law.

8. What will you do on Day 1 of your presidency after being sworn into office?
Sign a repeal of Obamacare. Issue orders to the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to begin the process of securing our borders and ports, identifying criminal aliens. Issue an executive order that puts a freeze on regulation implementation until all are reviewed. Stay EPA and IRS rule changes. Meet with Congressional Leaders to outline expectations for legislation. Call Middle East, European and Asian leaders to open dialogue on mutual cooperation. Meet with staff to outline the work agenda for the first 100 days of the administration. Hold first meeting with Joint Chiefs. Enjoy the inauguration galas and embrace my family, thanking them for their work and sacrifice in the effort to win the election and to serve the people of the United States.

9. National security is increasingly becoming a priority issue to American voters. How will you make America a more secure nation?  Secure our borders and ports. Begin the process to build a wall on our southern border. Begin the process of following through on returning illegal immigrants to their home countries. Find the funding in the federal budget to begin to restore the integrity and readiness of our military forces. Open the assault on radical Islamic terror operations around the world.

10. Why do you want Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund supporters to endorse you?
My campaign represents everything that the Tea Party stands for:  a strong national defense, smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Our efforts have been able to attract voters of every stripe: Republicans, Democrats and independents. We have expanded the people who are getting involved in politics. We have given voice to those that felt they had no voice. We offer the opportunity to restore America greatness by putting America and Americans first. No other campaign has been able to show and expansion of the electorate. We have. Together, will Make American Great Again.

11. Is there anything else you would like to say to our supporters?
Thank you for this opportunity. It is time the silent majority was silent no more. My campaign has given them voice, and we will be heard on election day.

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