Sunday, January 10, 2016

When Economies Work

Economies work best when they are controlled by the “free market”, not the government.

We have corruption and dysfunction in our political parties in the US and we see no movement toward effective reform. Bad law is being added at a time when many bad laws needs to be repealed. The “unintended consequences” of too much of our bad law are economic. Laws that are on the books are not effectively enforced on purpose. Our 3 branches of government have left their charters. Congress has abdicated its responsibility to provide “sound money”, proper legislation and proper regulation.

The “free market” system we embraced at our founding continues to be dismantled by federal actions. The function of the “free market” is to set prices, but that requires the end of government subsidies and selective industry tax breaks. The wisdom in this approach is that the consumer pays the full price for goods and services.  If the price is too high, the consumer doesn’t buy it.  When the government pays for it, the price goes up unabated.

Healthcare, education and the cost of government itself are now double to quadruple what these costs should be. The results these segments produce are poor at best. These segments need to be given back to the “free market” in order to reform them. 

The advent of clean water and sanitary sewers in the 1880s, penicillin in the 1940s and Polio vaccine in the 1950s made the biggest impacts on the lack of cures, but nothing since has amounted to much.

Education worked better when it was totally in the hands of students and parents. Todays’ schools are propaganda factories that dumb down our students.

Government needs to stick to building roads, bridges, water treatment plants, sewers and reservoirs and very little else; Government need to let us take care of ourselves and let our families take care of their own.

Our Constitution was meant to put the People in charge of the government, but our campaign finance laws favor Big Money over little voters, so it doesn’t work. Our Courts have provided a “train wreck” of case law that needs to be corrected by Congress, but Big Money likes things the way they are.  Our current crop of Big Money Puppet Masters include Global Communists who want all sovereign countries to fail and morph into a global communist government under their control. We need to stop bailing them out with printed money from the Fed. They reside at the UN and they control the Democrat Party. They bribe Republicans to go along, so all but a few do go along.

100 million working age US citizens are not in the workforce. Half of all US households have incomes below $51,000. The jobs that were lost with NAFTA after 1993 paid a living wage. The jobs that were created after that were largely minimum wage jobs. Half of our engineering jobs went overseas.

Excessive immigration policy since 1989 has produced over 41 million new immigrants to compete for US jobs. College grads are working minimum wage jobs. Our national economy is toast and with more immigration it will get much worse.

In order to get our economy to work for the bulk of US citizens, immigration and foreign aid need to stop, unnecessary regulations and bad laws need to be repealed, energy costs, corporate taxes need to be reduced, federal grants, subsidies and debt need to be eliminated.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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