Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Court Upholds Obamacare

Supreme Court Rules Congress Can Bypass Constitution When It Wants in Important Issues

Without the Constitution, citizens are subject to the whims of elected officials and whatever agenda they are pursuing. Well, there’s another straw on the camel’s back of our republic as the SOTUS ruled that the Senate could ignore the Constitution and push through Obamacare despite violating several sections. According to

The Supreme Court announced today that it will not hear Sissel v. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Pacific Legal Foundation’s constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). PLF’s case targeted the individual mandate tax specifically, but called for Obamacare to be struck down in its entirety, because it is a massive tax-raising bill that began in the Senate instead of the House, as the Constitution requires.

“It is very disappointing that the Court has chosen not to hear this important case, because the justices were being asked to uphold and enforce an important constitutional protection for all taxpayers,” said PLF Principal Attorney Timothy Sandefur. “At issue was the Constitution’s Origination Clause, which requires all new taxes to start in the House, the chamber closest to the people. Obamacare is a massive tax bill, but it was launched in the Senate through a procedural ploy. The Senate’s subversion of the constitutionally mandated rules for tax bills is a danger not just in this case but in future cases as well. By allowing Congress to use procedural tricks to evade the constitutional rules, the Court has opened the door to Congress further evading democratic accountability for the laws it passes.”

PLF’s lawsuit focused on Obamacare’s individual mandate, which requires Americans to buy a federally prescribed insurance plan or pay what the Supreme Court in 2012 called “a tax on going without health insurance.” But according to Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), that is just one of more than a dozen revenue-related planks in Obamacare that collectively will impose more than $800 billion in new levies. The individual mandate alone amounts to a $54 billion tax on individuals over ten years, and $113 billion on businesses, according to the JCT.

Yet Obamacare was not enacted in compliance with constitutional procedures for raising taxes. Article I, Section 7, of the Constitution requires that all bills for raising revenue must start in the House, to keep the taxing power close to the people. But Obamacare began in the Senate. Majority Leader Harry Reid took an unrelated House bill (a measure to help veterans buy homes, which raised no revenue), gutted it, and inserted the language of Obamacare.

If we had a truly free and diligent press, they would report on this gross violation of the Constitution, and more importantly, would have highlighted the fraudulent tactic to push through Obamacare.

With the Supreme Court ruling it’s okay for Congress to ignore the Constitution, there’s little more to do then watch the republic transform into a tyranny. Something our founders fought to the death to protect.

What do you think? Is the SOTUS ruling tragic? Leave a comment with your thoughts below.

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