Saturday, February 27, 2016

Oh Nazis

Canada Is Ready to Let MDs Kill the Mentally Ill, by Elysse Baumbach, 2/26/16

The term “culture of death” describes a society that accepts suicide and mercy killing as an acceptable response to suffering. In the wake of the country’s Supreme Court creating a right to be made dead, Canada’s ruling class, medical intelligentsia — and if polls are to be believed — population have enthusiastically embraced the culture of death (culture de la mort) for people with physical maladies and disabilities.

Now an official government panel has issued recommendations that urge lethal-injection euthanasia and self-administered assisted suicide (“medical aid in dying,” or MAID) be also a right for the diagnosed mentally ill. From the Report of the Special Joint Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying:

The Committee recognizes that there will be unique challenges in applying the eligibility criteria for MAID where the patient has a mental illness, particularly where such an illness is the condition underlying the request. However, where a person is competent and fits the other criteria set out by law, the Committee does not see how that individual could be denied a recognized Charter right based on his or her mental health condition.

Not only that, but the Committee recommended that the mentally ill suicidal — as with all other categories — should be entitled to decide for themselves whether their suffering requires killing:


Laws that accommodate immoral behavior are unnecessary and have an erosive effect on a culture. It’s a symptom of a nanny-state at stage 4 and that’s sovereign suicide. Canada needs to shake off the destructive UN initiated politically correct crap. The definition of Mental Illness is up for bid. I would hold that political correctness is a mental illness.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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