Monday, February 1, 2016

Tea Party Patriots endorse Cruz

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Endorses Senator Ted Cruz for President, 1/30/16

Sioux City, IA – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today announced the SuperPAC associated with the largest national Tea Party organization in the country is endorsing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to be the next president of the United States.

“We seek a candidate who shares our values: personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future. On behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund and our supporters, I am proud to announce our endorsement for president of the United States: Senator Ted Cruz!”

Key Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund activists from around the country joined Jenny Beth Martin on stage in Sioux City to endorse Senator Cruz.

“I was asked a few weeks ago ‘what makes a great president?’ I want our next president to have clear, easily identifiable, conservative principles, which he has lived with for his entire life. I want our next president to be able to clearly communicate his principles to America. I want our next president to have an understanding of the ‘levers of government.’  He should demonstrate a history of creative, constitutional, and effective solutions that have furthered his principles; and I want to be assured that he will continue to do exactly what he said he would do. And finally, I want our next president’s actions and principles to be guided by a spiritual moral compass. I think that man is the man I voted for in this endorsement process; Senator Ted Cruz.” – Frank Racz, Fayetteville, NC

“I have been a grassroots tea party activist for over 6 years, and I met Ted Cruz at a small event in Houston that several of our local groups held about four years ago when he was running against the establishment for Senate. He exuded a quiet confidence as I grilled him on why he was running and why I should support him. He told me he would visit with every grassroots group as he campaigned – and he did. He said Texas needed a Senator that would work for the people, and would stick to constitutionally conservative principles – and we did. He promised he would be that Senator, and we could trust him to do what he says – and we can. Over his four years in the Senate, he has fought for us on issues like repealing Obamacare and abolishing the IRS. I trust that Ted Cruz believes what he says and that he will do what he says! He has earned that trust from me, and he will earn it from all of you! I am honored and thrilled to be here in Iowa with the Tea Party Patriots to endorse Senator Ted Cruz to be the next President of the United States of America.” – Darcy Kahrhoff, Huntington Beach, CA

“It was 6 years ago, almost to the day, that I had the privilege to meet Ted Cruz for the 1st time in January 2010. Ted had invited a dozen or so members of the more active Tea Party groups in Texas for an early pre-announcement of his intent to run for the United State Senate. At that time both of our Senators were as much ‘Washington Cartel’ as they make them. In that room we were all fierce watchdogs, not ready for a new politician willing to deal and get along.

A couple of hours later, as we came out of that meeting, we all had sparkles in our eyes. The reaction was unanimous: ‘This is just too good to be true. Is this guy for real? If he is, we have found the most incredible gem we could ever have dreamed of.’ Well, during these last 6 years, because he first was my candidate, and then my Senator, I have watched him very closely, day after day. And yes, I can tell you now, we have not been disappointed. Ted is for real!

He said what he was going to do, and he did what he said he would do. He has been the game changer in corrupt Washington, DC. Ted Cruz has been a fantastic Senator who made Texas proud! Ted Cruz will be the genuine and strong President our Country needs to become great again! I am proud to stand by Ted and endorse him! God Bless Iowa! Please show us the road!” – Suzanne Guggenheim, Corpus Christi, TX

The Process
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund conducted a series of steps in order to gather and comprehend sufficient information to enable the organization to make an endorsement for President of the United States that instills confidence in the process, in the organization, and, most importantly, in our grassroots supporters around the country.

To ensure a fair process, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund took the following steps with each candidate.
1. — Sent a questionnaire to all of the candidates.
2. — Attempted to schedule a personal interview between the candidate and the leadership of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund.
3. — Provided as much information as is publicly available and reasonably accessible to our research team in order for our supporters to see where each candidate stands on the issues that matter to us and the issues that matter in the general election.
4. — Performed an online balloting process that consisted of four different ballots over the course of four weeks prior to the endorsement.
1.     The first ballot included the top existing candidates in the race for the Republican nomination.
2.     The second ballot was reduced to include 8 candidates from the first ballot.
3.     The third ballot was reduced to include the top 4 candidates from the second ballot.
4.     Finally, the fourth ballot included the top 2 candidates from the third ballot.
5. — Registration: Anyone was allowed to register to participate in the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Primary. Existing supporters were considered registered by simply being affiliated with Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund.
6. — Implemented a validation process to ensure the integrity of the votes counted in the balloting process.
Implemented a validation process to ensure the integrity of the votes counted in the balloting process.

Over the course of the last year, we have had many internal discussions, as well as many discussions with conservative leaders, local activists and Tea Party leaders around the country about the pros and cons of endorsing in the Republican Presidential Primary. We asked our supporters what we should do. After being surveyed, our supporters conveyed overwhelmingly that they wanted to go down the path to an endorsement. An even bigger majority said they would be willing to commit to voting en bloc with other Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund supporters around the country on primary election or caucus day for our eventual endorsee to ensure that he or she has the greatest opportunity to win the Republican nomination.


The Tea Party Patriots organization based their endorsement on their own research.  All local Tea Party groups continue to act independently and are split on who we prefer.  I prefer Trump because he effectively stated the priority issues and has a populist approach that attracts non-voters and grass-roots blue collar voters.  As a Constitutional Conservative, I am proud of the 96% score Ted Cruz earned, so I understand why Cruz has received this endorsement.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader   

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