Sunday, February 28, 2016

Unnecessary Refugees

European ship headed to Asia to help rescue Rohingya (why you should care), Posted by Ann Corcoran on February 27, 2016

If you are saying to yourself, ho hum, this doesn’t affect me, think again! Rohingya Muslims by the tens of thousands are piling up in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia (both safe Muslim countries!) and we end up bringing thousands to America.

It isn’t just Syrians we should worry about. Rescued Rohingya are being resettled in the US by the thousands. They can’t possibly be screened any better than Syrians!

You don’t hear much about it because the Rohingya are slipped into your towns and cities right along with the Burmese Christians and other ethnic minorities and all are labelled simply Burmese.  Last fall we learned that 13,000 Burmese Muslims were already in the US.

This is the rescue ship story which is really a ho hum story, but I’m mentioning it since we haven’t talked much about Rohingya lately, although we have an entire category, here (185 previous posts), devoted to the subject.

From the International Business Times: A rescue ship credited with saving thousands of migrants stranded in the Mediterranean Sea is to embark on a new mission in south-east Asia. The MY Phoenix, owned by charity Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS), has been used to rescue almost 13,000 people making the perilous journey from north Africa and the Middle East to Europe.

But now its crew is sailing the 40-foot vessel to the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, where it will spend four weeks helping rescue Rohingya refugees. Last year tens of thousands of migrants from Myanmar and Bangladesh attempted dangerous sea crossings to reach Malaysia and Indonesia.

By all means, save them at sea, but resettle them in Muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia!

About the photo:  It is here in a story from May 2015.   The story tells us about the latest round of violence between the Rohingya and the Buddhist Burmese and leaves you with this line (below) that gives the impression that all the deaths and displacement were on the Rohingya side of the ledger.  It just isn’t true!

We followed the conflict as it boiled up in 2012 and it started when Rohingya men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl!  But, in the retelling, the pro-Muslim propagandists never tell you that!  Buddhists were among the dead and homeless!

Clashes in 2012 between the state’s Buddhist community and Rohingya Muslims, a long-oppressed linguistic and ethnic minority in this majority Buddhist country, left hundreds dead and more than 140,000 people homeless.

Visit our ‘Rohingya Reports’ category.  In 2013 the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (testimony here) asked the US State Department to bring in more Rohingya (it is only ‘fair,’ they imply, since we have resettled so many Christians!).  Doesn’t it make enormous sense to bring in the centuries-old warring factions?  Not!

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