Tuesday, March 15, 2016

GA HB 941 Grand Jury Nullification

Kill this Bill. Email the Committee before 7pm Now, 3/15/16, Copy emails and paste to your email.


Tell the Senate Committee to kill HB 941, email from Catherine Bernard, 3/15/16

The bill that would make Georgia's Grand Jury system even worse than it is now (already the worst in the nation) will go to a vote today at 4:00PM. We are of course talking about HB941.

We need EVERYONE to take a moment and call the GA State Senate Committee in charge of this bill and tell them to vote "NO" on HB 941, regardless of any amendments offered today that "claim" to make it better. Take a moment during lunch or do it right now, and help us light up their phone lines.

Call the following Senate Committee members and tell them:

"Georgia's Grand Jury laws are the worst in the nation, and HB941 makes them even worse. All current amendments to HB 941 continues to take power away from the Grand Jury and either hands it to a D.A. or to an unelected Special Prosecutor. It also does nothing meaningful to curb an officer attending his own Grand Jury indictment proceeding. It also does nothing meaningful to keep an officer from not answering questions asked. HB 941 is a gift to the Prosecuting Attorney's Council lobby, and nothing more.

Instead, you should only consider a bill that would entirely end Georgia's practice of treating officers differently than non-officers. You should only consider a bill that would get BOTH the D.A. and any Special Prosecutor entirely out of the business of tampering with the Grand Jury entirely.

You took an oath to uphold both the State and Federal Constitutions, and since the Georgia Constitution does not permit tampering with the Grand Jury process and since the Federal Constitution does not permit unequal protection under the law, you cannot uphold your oath if you vote for HB 941."

Senate Committee:
Sen. Mike Crane: (404) 656-6446
Sen. Jesse Stone: (404) 463-1381
Sen. Vincent Fort: (404) 656-5091
Sen. William Ligon: (404) 656-0045
Sen. Josh McKoon: (404) 463-3931
Sen. John F. Kennedy: (404) 656-7454
Sen. Charlie Bethel: (404) 463-1383
Sen. Harold Jones: (404) 463-3942
Sen. Elena Parent: (404) 656-5109
Sen. Hunter Hill: (404) 463-2518

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Watch the video.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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