Thursday, March 17, 2016

The American Communist Party

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was established in 1919. This obscure fringe Political Party is dedicated to global Marxism.  In the US, the Communist Party writes Bills and sends them to the Labor Unions. The Unions pass them on to the Democrat Legislators who file these bills with the House or Senate. Democrats plot to pass these bills and recruit Republicans to cooperate. 

All 45 goals published by the American Communist Party in 1920 and restated in 1968 have been achieved in the US using Bills passed by the US Congress and signed by US Presidents. See Trevor Loudon’s videos.

Communist Parties Everywhere
Almost all countries have one or more Communist Party. Socialist Legislation is advanced in all countries through elections and legislation. The UN is the hub for these Communist Parties and their activities are all designed to advance world communism.

Communist Parties in Europe: Albania, Armenia, Austria (KPÖ,KI), Azerbaijan, Belarus (KPB), Belgium (PvdA/PTB, KP,PC), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (DKP, KPiD), Estonia, Finland, France (PCF, PCOF), Georgia, Germany, Greece (ΚΚΕ,ΚΟΕ, ΑΚΟΑ), Hungary, Ireland (CPI, WPI), Italy (PRC, PdCI, PMLI), Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (CPRF, RCWP-CPSU), San Marino, Slovakia, Spain (PCE, PCC, PCPE, Sweden (KP, SKP), Switzerland, Turkey (DHKP/C, HTKP, KDH/L, KKP, TKP, MKP, MLKP, TDKP, TKEP, TKEP/L, TKIP, TKP/ML Ukraine, United Kingdom,(CP, RCG, CPGB-ML, NCPB, CPS

Communist Parties in North America: United States (CPUSA) Canada  (CPoC, MLPoC)

Communist Parties in South America: Argentina (PCA
PCCE. PCRA), Bolivia, Brazil (PCdoB, PCB), Chile (PCCh, PC(AP), Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico (PC, PPS, PPSM, Panama (PPP, PC(ml)P), Paraguay, Peru (PCP, PCdelP–PR), Uruguay, Venezuela

Communist Parties in Oceana: Australia (Communist Alliance, CPA, CPA, ML,Resistance, Socialist AllianceNew Zealand (CL, CPA. OMU. SPA)


There are 5 countries listed as “Communist Countries” including: China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea.  In these countries, the government owns the property and the means of production.  It is a one party system with no competing parties.
The debilitating, bankrupting socialism infecting the US, Europe and other continents is the result of bad government leadership. Many countries are resisting socialist policies and have established strong private economies.  Some of these are former USSR satellites who wanted a “free market”, private sector economy.  Their government costs are low and they have little or no debt. They all have manufacturing and are self-sufficient. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader   

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