Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The UN runs Obama’s State Department

United Nations and US State Department have close working relationship when deciding who comes to America and thus who comes to your towns. by Ann Corcoran 3/1516

I just saw this photo on Twitter (right).  Anne Richard Asst. Secretary of State signs a so-called ‘Framework for Cooperation‘ agreement with the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM signing cooperation agreement with new UNHCRFilippo Grandi.

It seems that we began this ‘Framework for Cooperation’ with the UNHCR in the year 2000 (Madeleine Albright’s reign in Clinton’s last year in office and obviously continued through Bush and Obama).

I had always wondered when we began to rely almost completely on the UN for direction on who is resettled in America.

The Framework for Cooperation is a policy document that defines the priorities and commitments of the UN refugee agency and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM) for cooperation and collaboration throughout the year. The annual accord also acts as a guide to measure impact and performance.

The first such framework cooperation agreement between UNHCR and PRM was signed in 2000, and the practice has continued as a testament to the mutual confidence and commitment that the two sides have in each other as partners. The US Government continues to be UNHCR’s biggest donor.

So one way of looking at this is that we give UNHCR most of their money and then we let them tell us what to do.  Huh? 
And, who said we must have shared objectives and priorities with the UN in the first place?  Calling President Trump, let’s fix this ASAP in January 2017.

After all, it is the UN that is picking mostly Muslim Syrians for resettlement to the US (as they are the Iraqis and Somalis!).
You know that refugee ‘reform’ bill being marked up tomorrow in the House Judiciary Committee, if they are serious about reform, how about an amendment to sever these ties.  I’ll bet there was never a law in the first place that required us to cooperate in this formal manner with the UN refugee agency!

I didn’t have the patience to search for this year’s agreement (if it’s even available), but here is one for 2012-2013.


The UN is a dangerous, subversive, Marxist Globalist foreign entity dedicated to the collapse of the United States. It is an existential threat to US sovereignty and the preservation of the US Constitution (as written).  UN Agenda 21 is their plan to destroy the US and make it part of a UN front global communist government controlled by a cabal of global criminals. We need to quit the UN and send it to Brussels.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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