Friday, May 27, 2016

The Third American Revolution

by Tom DeWeese

More and more Americans are finally starting to realize we have a problem in this country. Most are not sure why or even what the problem is. They simply sense something is very wrong as the nation appears headed in the wrong direction. Before any kind of action is taken it’s vital that these questions be understood and answered. Only then can we be assured to receive the desired outcome – Freedom.

The revolution of 1776 was not just an exercise by armed men seeking to overthrow their current government – as had been done so many times throughout history.

It wasn’t a desperate attempt to replace a bad king with a new one – backed by the usual hope that this time, this one would finally turn a kind, benevolent ear toward the pleas of the people. Such revolutions had been fought for centuries. Always the newly installed despot learned quickly how to plunder the people, gain power and riches for themselves, while holding out the carrot – the promise of a better day.

It wasn’t until 1776 that a few scholarly men in a rural, backward, isolated land figured it out. They studied every possible style of government. They noted the pitfalls, the dangers, the traps that lead to tyranny. Most importantly they noted this fact: Freedom doesn’t just happen.  It must first be understood. And then it must be planned, implemented and protected.

Today, based on that first American Revolution, we hear many advocating support for the Principles of Freedom. But what are they and were did they come from?

NewsWire Articles

We are under attack from all sides now; the globalists expect to overwhelm us soon by Kathleen Marquardt

I know it doesn’t seem like it but I limited the number of cites in this blog. I want you to understand that we are being bombarded; that those pushing Agenda 21/2030 expect this to be the last salvo. There were a lot of other areas that I could have included (food, more education, the taking of private property by the Feds under guise of protecting land, and much, much more) but these give you what you need to know. From the use of the Panama Papers and the Smart Grid to destroy individuals’ privacy behind the smokescreen of “need to have all parameters studied for implementing sustainable development. ”I added a short video of a prediction of all this made 58 years ago. Watch it and be astounded how correct the predictions are.

UN Seeks “Unprecedented” Amount of Data to Impose Agenda 2030

In its ongoing crusade to shackle the planet under the draconian UN vision, essentially an undisguised recipe for global socialism/fascism under the guise of “sustainable development,” ([UNIQID]) 

The UN is demanding an “unprecedented” amount of data from every corner of the planet. Everything from the prevalence of UN indoctrination in schools to the subservience of national governments to the UN's immigration demands will be tracked, measured, and analyzed as part of the “indicators” used to more effectively impose the UN's sought-after transformation.


[Read more ( ]

Strong Cities Network – Aka Global Police Force – Could Sink American Republic Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s speech to the United Nations on September 29, 2015, will go down in history as the tipping point of total globalist control over the streets and cities of the United States, and the end to a Republic form of government.


Yet, in Lynch’s speech she states, “… connecting those localities to one another – as the Strong Cities Network is doing – is not only a powerful way to lift up our communities worldwide.  It also sends a message about who we are and what we aspire to be – as an alliance of nations and as a global community.”

First, it should be noted that Strong Cities Network is NOT a government body at all, but rather a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with no connection to any government, or even the United Nations! They simply state that an International Steering Committee of officials from 25 cities around the world will “determine the strategic direction and thematic priorities of the Strong Cities Network.”

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Exposure of Major Corruption Scandal Spurs Call For More Global Government

The bottom line here is that governments often acquire new powers to fight “crime” but then these same powers are turned on citizens themselves. With much less justification, they are used to erode freedom at home.

Hell, we can live with a little corruption abroad. What’s more worrisome are the broad, new powers that governments inevitably acquire as the result of confronting said “corruption.”

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First, The EPA Came For The Navajo; Next, They’re Coming For Everyone ([UNIQID])

For most Americans, reducing carbon emissions is a sort of gauzy, feel-good aspiration. Reducing carbon is all fine and dandy until you realize your electric bill may go up 30 percent or more, food and water may become costlier, and jobs may be lost, all for a projected amount of planetary cooling that is well within the wide margins of error of climate models. Not to mention that these climate models have not even remotely tracked with real-world observations.

Further, there’s that nagging issue that carbon dioxide isn’t even a toxic pollutant and therefore ought not to concern the EPA. Rather, carbon dioxide is a plant fertilizer that we all aim to exhale for as long as we can on this blue-green orb we call home.

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IoT For New York City: Smart Grid Will Impact 4 Million Homes

TN Note: Smart Grid continues to roll out around the nation and the world. Unfettered by lack of consumer demand and outright resistance in many areas, the Depart of Energy is resolute in completing the task that Obama started in 2009 with the initial grants to start pilot projects around the country. Smart Grid is a key requirement to establishing Technocracy in order to a) control all energy distribution and consumption and b) collect surveillance data on energy consumers.

IoT For New York City: Smart Grid Will Impact 4 Million Homes ([UNIQID])

Panama Papers: Obama and Globalists Kill Right to Privacy

Seizing on the media- and government-manufactured “Panama Papers” brouhaha governments and globalist organizations announced a wave of new edicts and agreements last week in a plot to kill what remains of financial privacy rights and impose a radical global tax regime on humanity

([UNIQID]) ,

([UNIQID]) .

The Obama administration, the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Socialist International, the European Union, and more are fully behind the effort. Of course, as this magazine has documented, those establishment forces, socialist groups, international organizations, tax-funded shills, and bloated governments have been pushing the same dangerous agenda for years  without much success. Now they see their chance.

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Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting plans to destroy America

There have always been people who could see where the programs established by government lead – think Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Hayek  and many more – most of whom lived under oppressive regimes, but not all. Some can read the writing on the wall. Charlotte Iserbyt is one, Robert Welch another as seen in this old video.
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Featured Activist Tool

New manual to teach you how to Stop Agenda 21 by Tom DeWeese

The Wrenching Transformation of America: Agenda 21 ([UNIQID])

Here's what's in my manual

I outline the treaties, policy papers, and international meetings that have set the policy.

I show how those international policies directly enter local communities disguised as innocent-sounding development projects or historic preservation.

I reveal how those international plans are moving past Congress and directly into local communities through a network of self-proclaimed “stakeholders.”

I explain how the Supreme Court has helped them do it.

I expose how private organizations are able to take control of your community and enforce these policies without a vote or any input from you.

I also demonstrate how Agenda 21 is affecting you right now:
* International policy is currently directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.
* The Sierra Club’s plan forces 500 families to live on one acre of land and they deem it “Smart Growth.”
* The new corporate law called “Benefit Corporations” enlists corporations to enforce sustainable development policies in their products and promotions. Nearly every state has now either passed or is considering this legislation.

Click here to order The Wrenching Transformation of America: Agenda 21 ([UNIQID])

I’m not only talking about radical environmental policy!
There is so much more.
* Do you think Obama’s healthcare policy is his brainchild? Of course not. In the manual, I show you its direct connection to sustainable development and the true purpose behind the planned destruction of America’s health care system.
* Do our children receive poor educations because there is not enough money and teachers in the classrooms? I will show you that the dumbing down of American children is intentional and that the schools are operating for what they have been “reformed” to do. It is called “Common Core.”

But wait, there’s still more…
* I will show you how global warming is the greatest hoax ever played on man and I’ll show you why the Sustainablists cannot drop this discredited issue for fear of losing all of their demands for Agenda 21 policy.
* I will show you some of the victims of these tyrannical policies and how they have been robbed of their property and livelihood simply because a government has too much power.

Most importantly, to complete this manual, I have included special reports from a team of experts, including former Senate Environment Committee staffer Marc Morano, one of the world’s top experts on the global warming hoax; the late Henry Lamb, the man who first exposed the UN’s global governance agenda; Mike Coffman and Michael Chapman, two of the nation’s leading experts on sustainable development and the international treaties and policies that are changing our nation; Author Wynne Coleman, one of the nation’s leading experts on Benefit Corporations; Joan Swirskyand Dr. Karen Effrem, two of the nation’s leading experts on Common Core; and the late Dr. Madeleine Cosman, a pioneer in exposing the destruction of our nation’s once-great health care system by connecting the dots to Agenda 21.

Of course there are lots of newsletters, blogs, and Internet sites out there with “insider” information. However, I have seen most of them and I know for a fact that many are missing the big picture! They will tell you about federal policies, taxes, bailouts, corrupt politicians, secret deals, and lots of stuff that–while it may be important–fails to connect the dots to the real root of the problem.

Other “experts” are missing the core threat: it is not discussed in the media, at many TEA party rallies or in national conferences, and certainly not in Congress or other levels of government.

The core threat is revealed in detail in my special report.
Only in this manual will you learn:
* How our language is being manipulated to control policy
* The threat we face is not a Republican or Democrat issue.
* The ruling principle that will completely reorganize our society.
* The three E’s of control.
* The threat of the “precautionary principle” and how it will destroy our economy.
* How Public/Private Partnerships are destroying free enterprise.
* How the politically-based radical environmental movement uses fear of environmental damage as camouflage while they work to transform the American systems of government, justice, and economics
* The dawn of “Common-ism” that transformed national sovereignty, natural resources, and private land into “common property” for the UN’s “global commons.”
* How the public education system has been transformed to create “global village idiots.”
* The four international commissions that are transforming the world towards global governance.
* The full definition of an NGO and where they came from.
* The most powerful environmental group in the world and why it is the most dangerous.
* How UN policies become American law.
* The Smart Growth fraud.
* The lunacy of the Wildlands Project.
* How “green” industry is costing taxpayers millions in additional costs and with no benefit.

Most importantly, the manual includes step-by-step details on how to fight against Agenda 21 in your community, including:
* The exact language necessary to protect property rights.
* The “Resolution for the Protection of Citizen’s Property Rights” and how to use it as an effective tool to stop Agenda 21 in your community.

Source: American Policy Center email

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