Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Customer Stops Shooter

Media Silence after Concealed Carry Citizen Stops Mass Shooting at a SC Nightclub, By Philip Hodges July 5, 2016

After the mass murder in Orlando, liberals called for more gun control, and conservatives pointed out that people should be allowed to protect themselves especially in those types of situations.

Liberals would respond that “guns and alcohol don’t mix,” and that because of the chaos of the nightclub scene, having armed patrons would lead to a “Wild West” blood bath, with people shooting at each other at random.

Here’s a real life example of what could have happened in Orlando had there been just one person with a gun who shot back at Omar Mateen.

Just two weeks following the mass murder at the Orlando nightclub that resulted in 49 deaths and 53 injured victims, an attempted mass shooting occurred at a South Carolina nightclub.

It was a shooting that caused injuries to three people, but no deaths. That’s because a certain club-goer was concealing a firearm and shot back at the suspect in self-defense and in the defense of others.

According to reports, 32-year-old Jody Ray Thompson had gotten into an argument with someone else and started shooting into a crowd of people who had gathered outside the club. He hit three people and was about to hit a fourth one, when that potential victim pulled out his own gun and shot the suspect in the leg.

Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office said that the concealed carrier has a valid concealed weapons permit, is cooperating with investigators and won’t be facing any charges.

Thompson was charged with “four counts of attempted murder, possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime, and unlawful carrying of a weapon.”Thankfully, none of the victims’ gunshot injuries were life-threatening.

Liberals would like to keep this a local story, because it highlights the importance and value of carrying a firearm. If no one had been armed except the criminal, and he had killed several people, it would have made national headlines in no time.

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