91% Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming, by Michael Bastasch,
Watch video from Australia on UN Agenda
UN subterfuge…the global warming hoax, by James
Lampe, 12/20/10
After schooling in the Environmental
Sciences, and cleaning up toxic waste sites for an environmental agency, my
hobby became global warming. At
first it was interesting because the prevailing theory was always changing, but
as new theories were advanced, they relied more on data adjustments and
political strategy, than science. Today, Americans perceive global warming as a
low priority item, and have turned their attention to our economic and security
concerns. But big government agencies (UN and US) and Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) continue to quietly expand UN influence, by teaching their
insidious Marxist policies to the bureaucratic, naive, and idiotic.
In 1972, Drs. George Kukla and Robert Matthews were the central
figures in convincing the US government that climate
change was a threat. Kukla worked with geologist Robert Matthews
of Brown University, and presented the conference: “The Present Interglacial:
How and When will it End?” Their presentation
influenced President Nixon to create the “Panel on the Present Interglacial.”
In a 1974 Time article, Dr. George J. Kukla said the earth was in crisis because
his research indicated the earth was headed into an Ice Age! Time reported:
“The trend shows no indication of reversing.” Sound familiar? But in the 1981
article: “Evidence is Found of
warming Trend,” Kukla said:
“We have found within the general pattern a warming element in the right place
and in the right season; it is just where we expected it from the theory, it
fits nicely.”
The UN jumped on the environmental issue
at the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment, at Stockholm, Sweden. It
was organized and led by Canadian, Maurice Strong, the Secretary-General of the Conference.
During this conference, the UN Environment Programme was
born, which has worldwide jurisdiction over UN environmental matters. The first
Executive Director of UNEP was Maurice
At the June 1992 Rio Conference on
Environment and Development (UNCED), Maurice Strong kicked off the conference
by calling you a wasteful capitalist pig! Aiming his words at America he said:
“It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent
middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen
and convenience foods, use of fossil
fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing—are
not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to
environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”
It was at Rio, that the UNEP issued
Agenda 21, a 40-chapter plan detailing the global goals of the UNEP. “Agenda 21” refers to the goals
the UN wants to achieve in the 21st century. The UN also created the
UN’s Division for Sustainable Development, to fund and manage the
implementation of Agenda 21. (In 1992, Congress ratified the Framework
Convention on Climate Change, which GH Bush signed. In 1993, WJ Clinton issued
Executive Order 12852, creating the “President’s Council on Sustainable
Development.” Its purpose: “The Council shall advise the President on matters
involving sustainable development.”
For 30 years the UN has fomented
worldwide hysteria based upon the premise of global destruction by CO2, and a
large percentage of the population reacted just as HL Mencken predicted: “The
whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence
clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of
hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
The science of global warming has been
unraveling for years, but one of the most glaring revelations came in 2007,
when a UK High Court judge considered the science behind the 2006 Academy Award
winning movie “Inconvenient Truth.” The judge ruled the movie contained nine
significant errors and ruled it was a “political” movie, not a science movie.
Through the serendipity of Climategate,
we discovered that although Russian weather stations cover most of Russia: “the
Hadley Center had used data submitted by only 25% of such stations in its
reports.” Then came the discovery that famed UK global
warming scientist Professor Phil Jones moved weather stations in China. As the
scientific methods of global warming scientists were aired, the number of
skeptics increased, and one petition now has over 31,000 signatures.
But while the world was debating, the UN
was infiltrating! The UN has been quietly training local governments and
universities on UN sustainability policies and organizing techniques since
1990. Their plans are in Chapter 28 of Agenda 21, which advises: “Local
authority programmes,
policies, laws and regulations to achieve Agenda 21 objectives would be
assessed and modified, based on local programmes adopted.” This chapter is a primer on
how to infiltrate the US at every level, and in every organization.
30 years UN scientists contorted scientific theories, data, and “hockey sticks”
to cobble their science together. The
current status of global warming can be summarized with the Jeffersonian maxim:
“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by
itself.” It is now clear that global warming was an epic scam. Please consider:
Why reduce CO2 emissions to 1990 levels
as called for in the Kyoto Treaty? Which scientists determined the 1990 CO2
levels would save the planet? Actually, the 1990 level was negotiated by bureaucrats, and despite their
assertion that CO2 is harmful, they
exempted two of the biggest CO2 emitters, China and India. In 2007, Newsweek
columnist Fareed Zakaria discovered: “These two countries
(China and India) are currently building 650 coal-fired power plants. The
combined CO2 emissions
of these new plants is five
times the total savings of the Kyoto accords-that is, if the Kyoto targets were
being adhered to by western countries, which they are not.” (Quoted in Climate Change and Presidential
Policy, p4.)
Climategate. “Hey buddy, can you tweak
some data and delete a few emails for me?”
The 1992 Rio delegates actually admitted
that science doesn’t matter! Principle 15: “In order to protect the
environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States
according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or
irreversible damage, lack of full
scientific certainty shall not be
used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation.”
In 2003, Economist Michael Grubb wrote:
“The Protocol is essentially an agreement to extend economic globalization to
environmental policy: to establish a global emissions market to counter the
global environmental consequences of global economic growth.” Fortunately,
there were men of vision such as Al Gore, Maurice Strong, and Barack Obama, who
teamed up with their friends at Goldman Sachs to create such a system, and thus
was born the Chicago Climate Exchange. (CCX).
In November 2010, UN environmental
economist Ottmar Edenhofer admitted that in regard to UN environmental
policy: “developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the
world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s
wealth by climate policy.”
The UN infiltration of America was
authorized by bipartisan quisling presidents, whose actions empowered the UN to
quietly train and create; hundreds of Marxists change agents at all levels of
government and academia. This has been a stealth operation and completely under
the media radar. The people who have assimilated the global warming
sustainability propaganda are trained and motivated advocates who uphold the
New World Order of sustainability by UN fiat, not the Constitution of
capitalists. Sound far-fetched? The US Congress never passed a bill approving greenhouse
gas regulations or Cap and Trade. But that hasn’t stopped the EPA from
promulgating GHG regulations; and in November 2010, the EPA took a step towards
globalizing environmental compliance by signing a cooperative agreement with
the European Chemicals Agency, for: “the implementation and further development
of EU policies.”
There are hundreds of cities from El
Cerrito, California, to Belfast, Maine, that have been trained, and agreed to
implement UN Agenda 21 policies! The barbarians are inside our offices,
municipal buildings, and schools! If this UN advocacy for a New World Order is
not reversed, isn’t it only a matter of time until America becomes known as the
most powerful country in the North American Union?
Source: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/31319
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