Friday, July 8, 2016

Gold Price Manipulated

Over the past six years there’s not a single reason the price of gold should have fallen like it has, which is bringing market experts out of the woodwork with overwhelming  evidence there’s been foul play at hand.

Top minds in the gold markets believe rogue government and Wall Street groups have illegally manipulated the price of gold and seized control of the precious metal.

Take former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

When asked to comment on the Gold Markets in the U.S. Dr. Roberts said,

“There are no free financial markets in America, or for that matter anywhere in the Western world, and few, if any, free markets of any other kind. The financial markets are rigged ... in the interests of the profits of the few big banks and the dollar’s exchange value, which is the basis of U.S. power.”

An organization called “The Gold Anti-Action Trust Committee, which was put together to expose, oppose, and litigate against any attempt to control the price of gold, says:

“The gold price manipulation scheme will go down as the biggest financial market scandal in US history for numerous reasons. They include the destruction of the free market system in the United States.”

Highly respected members of academia in the U.S. such as professor Dave Kranzler, an MBA from the University of Chicago, have voiced their grave concerns over the gold  markets as well.

Kranzler explained, “They do this by illegally using [artificial market manipulation] in the futures market. This illegal operation is supported by the so-called regulatory authorities  who steadfastly refuse to intervene.”

And according to Brad  Hoppmann, publisher of Uncommon Wisdom  Daily, who has closely tracked this market cover up, “There’s undeniable  proof the gold markets have been manipulated. This scandal stretches across the entire globe, up to the highest branches of the U.S. Government, and through  the major investment banks that run our country.”

Investors know gold should have easily hit $5,000 an ounce in the past six years.

So doesn’t it make sense now — that there’s been an invisible force at play.

Brad Hoppmann believes it’s the best and ONLY explanation.

In fact, he says he has physical evidence that proves the cover-up beyond a doubt.

Most importantly he believes a development is now taking place that is going to put an end to this illegal plot, freeing gold from any more manipulation, and sending precious metals prices skyrocketing.

Hoppmann says, “If the conspirators would have just let the price of gold rise like it should have over the past six years, we would have seen a steady climb to $5,000 an ounce.

But now, we’re going  to see gold act in a completely different and explosive way — like the breaking of a massive dam when all the water comes gushing out at once.”

And Brad Hoppmann  believes the potential windfall won’t stop at just $5,000.

He added, “ I believe  we could see a move to $5,000 an ounce within the next year, and then $7,000, even $10,000 not far after ... especially once the rest of the world  understands just how desperate bankers have been to keep prices down!”

What this means is you need to be prepared to take full advantage of this ensuing gold rush by taking some simple steps today that could pay off exponentially.

Hoppmann and our team have moved quickly to compile our findings into a shocking new video — one that exposes every detail of this massive cover-up in the gold markets.

For the moment, this video is available online HERE for free. How much longer it will remain so, we don’t know. So, we urge you to view it now.

Plus, this presentation reveals the crucial investments you need to make during this windfall, setting yourself up for the most possible success.

Brad Hoppmann’s final words on the matter, “I truly believe this could be the biggest move in gold  we see in the next 100 years, so if you’re a serious investor you simply cannot  miss out”

Once you see the facts for yourself, you’ll see why he’s pulling out all the stops to get this information to as many people as possible.


All the best, The Uncommon Wisdom Daily Team 

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