Sunday, July 3, 2016

Gold Price Manipulation

This London Gold Conspiracy is Way Bigger than Brexit!, By Brad Hoppmann, 7/1/16

Much of gold's recent rally has been sparked by 'Brexit' — the UK's landmark decision to leave the European Union.

Yet something much bigger has also been happening in London, and I believe it has the potential to send gold to $5,000 an ounce within the next year.

I realize that's a bold prediction, maybe even crazy. But once you understand what's been going on, I have no doubt you will agree with my forecast.

In short, I have uncovered undeniable proof that London financial  institutions — with help from central banks, including the U.S. Federal  Reserve — have been artificially pushing the price of gold lower ever since the  2009 financial crisis.

And now, because of a major new development in China, I believe their entire scheme is going to come to an abrupt end ... sending gold to new all-time highs and beyond.

Please realize: I am not only risking my reputation, but also my personal safety, to bring this story to your attention. Sound extreme?

Well, the last person who tried to blow the lid off of this conspiracy was almost killed for doing so!  But again, don't just take my word for any of this.

Click here to see all the evidence for yourself ... before anyone else is even brave enough to talk about it.

I'm going to warn you: This whole story makes my stomach turn, and it's probably going to upset you just as much.

Because it's just one more shocking example of how unfair (and unfree!) our current financial markets really are.

It shows you how desperate monetary policymakers and financial institutions are to maintain their power and control.

And if you've bought gold over the last few years only to watch prices continue falling, this whole conspiracy has probably cost you real money!

The good news is that this massive cover-up is about to come to a very fitting (and long overdue) end. So positioning yourself in the right investments ahead of this massive run in gold prices could pay you huge returns in a very short amount of time.

That's why I'm putting my free presentation online right now: To expose the dirty underbelly of the gold market but to tell you exactly what investments to buy immediately for serious gains dead ahead.

All you have to do is turn up your computer speakers and click here to learn what's happening and how to play various gold investments for maximum profit potential.

Sincerely, Brad Hoppmann, Publisher, Uncommon Wisdom Daily


It was obvious that the “puppet masters” were manipulating the market to keep the price of gold around $1100 per ounce. It was also obvious that countries like China and others were increasing their gold holdings.  It was also obvious that all the money printing would create hyperinflation as soon as the fiat paper money dropped enough in buying power.  It’s obvious that government needs to hold interest rates low, so they can pay low interest on their debt.

What’s interesting is that governments bought gold at $1100 to hold, not to back their currencies, but to build a safe haven for themselves after their policies have created their currency crashes.  They are holding gold to protect the government checkbook and not the people or their economies when this scam breaks.

What isn’t obvious is exactly when the big currency crashes will be and who will be first.  In Venezuela the hyperinflation occurred after their government ran out of cash.  In the US, prices doubled in the 1970s to pay for the Vietnam War and government subsidies for Medicare and the War on Poverty. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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