Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tea Party Q&A with Tom Price

MESSAGE #1 A candid conversation with Congressman Tom Price on the 4th of July

At the Cobb County Republican Party 4th of July BBQ, where attendance was way down, I saw my former Congressman, Tom Price.

I was delighted to see Tom because I did him a disservice when I saw him at the GA State GOP Convention last month and wanted a do-over. What disservice? I was not candid with him at the State Convention, choosing to be polite instead.

And while I was polite today, I was also candid. I said “Tom I don’t want to ruin your day, but I must tell you that the Republicans in Congress have done more to demoralize grassroots Conservatives than anything Obama and his whole campaign has done. Look at this room, it’s normally full. I’m very disappointed in you and I think someone needs to say that, because I don’t think you guys hear that enough.

About seven or eight years ago I was at one of your Town Hall meetings and I asked you, why the Republicans in Washington did not get behind a bill, that would streamline legal immigration, saying that you are standing up for that guy in Mexico City, who is trying to do it right. Right now, those who want to do it right have to wait 15 years and spend thousands of dollars. We are encouraging them to just cross the border. You probably don’t remember what you said, but your answer was “leadership does not want to take it up.”

You guys have just not done your jobs, not Tom Graves, Phil Gingery or Jack Kingston, none of you. You don’t try to a pass a bill because you say the Senate won’t pass it…you don’t even try. Compare that to Nancy Pelosi, who said “we will pass Obamacare. If we come to a wall, we will go through it, if that doesn’t work, we will go around it, if we can’t do that, we will tunnel under it. If that does not work, we will parachute over it.”

If Hillary Clinton is our next president, this will be the last time I will ever vote Republican for the rest of my life, at the national level. I mean, what’s the use, we gave you guys the majority in the House and Senate, and you didn’t do anything with it.”

I had not planned to go public with this conversation, but changed my mind when it appeared to me, that = Congressman Price seemed to think Republicans in Washington had done all they could, as they did not have control of the Senate until recently. His response to not having pushed back on spending was that they had reduced spending in Washington (the 2008 budget was $2.9 trillion and the 2016 budget, just passed with the help of Republicans, is $3.9 trillion). Obviously, only in Washington does a $1 trillion increase amount to reduced spending. Tom also touted the stopping of the IRS from harassing conservative citizens. And regarding Pelosi’s defiant attitude, he attributed that to the Democrats having 60 votes in the Senate. (when the fact of the matter is, Democrat Congressman Bart Stupak was holding Obamacare up in the House)

Sadly, I think too many Republicans in Washington have begun to believe their own press releases. Speaker Ryan was on O’Reilly last week, and all he did was tell O’Reilly why this or that could not be done. While O’Reilly was practically pleading with him to DO SOMETHING, TRY SOMETHING…DO ANYTHING!

It was however, great to see so many old friends and despite my disappointment at the outcome, I had a pleasant conversation with Tom Price. I urge everyone to have a similar, polite but candid conversation with your member of Congress, and tell them how much they have let us down.  Conrad Q.

4th pictures available at:

MESSAGE #2 Help support Jack Staver for County Commissioner July 7 Everyone is invited to this Meet & Greet/Fundraiser to support Jack Staver for Dist 3 Commissioner and those who live in the district are needed to come out a vote for him in the July 26 runoff election.  Early voting starts today but only at the elections office on Main Street in Canton. Let me leave you with this thought...government belongs to those who show up.  If we do not show up for this or to vote July 26 we will get the
government we deserve.   Conrad Q

Source: Cherokee Tea Party Patriots – Woodstock GA email

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