Sunday, July 3, 2016

UN Agenda 21 in Dunwoody

Agenda 21 was based on the global warming hoax and George HW Bush signed on to it in 1992.  Bill Clinton ordered implementation in 1993 and all federal departments began to prepare to implement this intrusive suicidal plan.  

The American Planning Association took on the job to develop a “one-size-fits-all” zoning and land use code for “top-down” implementation by ICLEI trained consultants.  ICLEI is the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, set up by the UN to infest all local governance. 

In 2008, the Georgia Legislature passed HB 1213 to set up Regional Commissions for rural areas and in 2010 they passed HB 277 set up an appointed, unelected, Regional Transportation Commissions like the Soviet Union had. 

The T-SPLOST vote in 2012 to implement the Regional Transportation Commission’s taxing and funding functions failed with 66% voting NO in 9 of 12 districts. The $8 billion list of projects didn’t solve the I-285 problem and $3.5 billion of it was proposed to expand MARTA beyond its footprint.

The Georgia Legislature also has passed laws allowing cities and counties and other government entities to spend and borrow money without voter approval to remove the voters from the governing process. This includes the creation of Tax Authorizing Districts, Private/Public Partnerships, Redevelopment Authority Powers, Transit-oriented Development and excessive borrowing limits.

The American Planning Association had completed “one size fits all” city codes and had ICLEI consultants in place to direct what documents cities and counties would adopt. 
The reasons Dunwoody applied for cityhood included the desire to control its own zoning and to resist “high density” development that would exacerbate traffic gridlock.  The plans they voted to adopt, however, were full of “high density” planning.

The City of Dunwoody formed in 2009 following a vote to incorporate in 2008.  ICLEI consultants showed up to train new City Council members and Mayors.  They found out that they were expected to approve their “cookie cutter” ordinances, so they did.  They should have voted to reject this route and opt to adopt current DeKalb codes that were established over the past 100 years, but federal grants were offered to pay for the “cookie cutter” package, so they quietly took the easy route. 

Fraudulent “Public Input” in “Visioning Sessions” was rigged using the “Delphi Technique” that gave participants the choice between 2 pre-selected pictures. There was no mention of Williamsburg architecture and no pictures included it.

In the meantime, the DHA continued to weigh-in on zoning issues that were now handled by city staff provided by Clark Patterson and Lee, municipal consulting firm.  The City Charter required a “Strong City Manager” form of government, so the City Council became a “rubber stamp board”, so city staff actually runs the place.

Now the city has lawsuits resulting from the “one size fits all” zoning that involve “split lot infill” projects that increase density and commercial intrusion into subdivisions that include medical treatment facilities.  The culprit is the addition of “care homes” in R-100.  Both lower the value of homes in the subdivisions affected.

Thanks to Agenda 21 we now have an unsustainable federal debt, a bad economy, bad roads, rotting sewer pipes, political correctness, a multi-use path, on-street bike lanes, over-the-top intersection proposals, plans for more government owned “green space”, stream buffers, sky-high road maintenance bills, corporate welfare economic development, more tax authorizing districts, new stadiums every 20 years, 30 year bonds that cost double and never-ending attempts to expand unsustainably expensive public transit, but we are close to our own transit village. Agenda 21 is the master plan that controls federal grants, state law and municipal ordinances.  It creates a “top-down” political culture.

Not much of this is that relevant to subdivision dwellers with their cars and kids and their own swim and tennis clubs. Most citizens are in “willful denial”.  There really is no time for the average citizen to spend much time being a “government watchdog”.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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