Sunday, July 3, 2016

Unconstitutional Federal Government

The federal government needs to get straight with the US Constitution.  It was created by the States with limited “enumerated powers”.  All of the problems we have now with the federal government are due to their refusal to function in compliance with the US Constitution (as written).  There are reasons why these powers are limited and it’s easy now to see why.

The federal government is not qualified or permitted to legislate in areas where it has no “enumerated powers”. If it and the majority of citizens want to legitimize changes, they should petition Congress to draft Amendments adding “enumerated powers” to the federal government and have the States ratify them.

The Congress does not do this, because they know that the States would not ratify them.

The universities, the law school and the courts have been infiltrated with Progressives, who do not like the Constitution.  They made up a fanciful fairy tale that the Constitution should be a living document capable of being changed by court opinions. 

This disastrous power grab needs to be reversed. 

The Gay Marriage opinion by the Supreme Court is latest violation.  The court should have ruled that the States must decide on this issue in order to comply with the 10th Amendment.

See article below.

From Mat Staver July 2, 2016

One year ago today, I wrote to you about major cultural fallout resulting from the Supreme Court's egregious decision to create a right to same-sex "marriage." It is startling that so much has happened in that time under Tyrant-in-Chief who will stop at nothing to further his
transformational agenda. Please take a minute to read my message below. This is what I wrote one year ago ...

“We stand in agreement with Chief Justice John Roberts' dissent to the High Court's ruling by "five lawyers" who think they can order the "transformation of a social institution that has formed the basis of human society for millennia."

We know from history and experience that once a government seeks to redefine natural marriage, there will be a collision with religious freedom.

We can now expect a flurry of legal and cultural consequences to rain down upon the Christian community. You and I will now face a harsh new legal landscape in which the law treats opposition to same-sex "marriage" just like it treats racial bigotry - with zero tolerance.

The full police power of the state will side with LGBT activists. And they can't wait to force you and other Christians "to take homosexuality off the sin list" - as one pro-homosexual leader demands.

Now that the Supreme Court has made same-sex "marriage" a civil right, the battles will come fast and furious...

Your children will face LGBT indoctrination in public schools, as is happening already in Massachusetts where same-sex "marriage" became legal in 2003.

Homosexuals will use their newfound right to "marry" to force
Christian adoption services to place vulnerable young children with same-sex couples.

College accreditation agencies will pressure Christian schools and colleges to endorse homosexual "marriage," or have their credentials revoked - likely a fatal blow to such institutions.

Pro-family professionals will risk losing their licenses - and their livelihoods.

Military chaplains will face intensified pressure to conduct same-sex "weddings."

Polygamists will sue for the right to practice their version of
"marriage equality."

LGBT lawyers will march into court to try to strip churches like yours of their tax exemption. And at their side will be attorneys from the U.S. Justice Department!

It it truly revelatory to see those thoughts one year later in the light of today's culture ... although, I must admit that I missed one. I would not have predicted that we would now be engaged in a nationwide battle to fight against a presidential mandate that "gender identity" should be a protected class - and subsequently, men and boys should be allowed to occupy the same bathrooms as women.

The Liberty Counsel legal team is now engaged in stopping the Obama administration's "Bathroom Edict" in 22 states.

We must be united and proclaim the truth!

The Court's 2015 ruling on marriage is an intense assault on our religious liberty and right of conscience. But this decision, and the subsequent fallout, should also serve as a wake-up call to believers across this nation to rise up and fight for what we know is right.

We must stand our ground and we must be prepared for the coming assaults on our religious liberties and right of conscience.”

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel


We need to get the federal government out of the social engineering business and all the other unconstitutional activities it continues to accumulate.  Our culture as a nation needs to be worked out by a free people with no government interference.

It is less about religious freedom and more about Constitutional compliance.  The Supreme Court opinion on the separation of church and state was a glaring error and should be reversed by Congress, because our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian teachings.  The consequences of not fixing this will be a continued dislike and rejection of government in general.  Politicians already know they are distained for their lack of common sense.

Our morality hasn’t changed in thousands of years.  We have always been sinful and will continue to be sinful.  To convince our children that they will be better off and happier in their lives being “moral”, we need to get the government out of our way and back in their box making roads and bridges and water and sewer lines.  Instead they want us to submit to their bizarre social engineering experiments. We don’t want our tax money spent to harass us.

Anti-discrimination laws were always unnecessary unless you were a Communist.  Human ability is alive and well in all races and genders. People would have figured this out for themselves.

Tolerance must be earned.  It cannot be required.  Freedom of association is central to personal freedom.  Businesses should be free to decide who their customers are.  Islam is not a religion; it is a political systems with its own laws that seeks to replace the political systems of whoever it invades. It is a threat to liberty. Government should get out of the marriage business and leave it to the churches.

The churches need to figure out that they are better off in a country with a very limited government and an abundance of personal and economic freedom.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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