Saturday, July 2, 2016

War on US Constitution

A U.S. Circuit Court judge just brazenly announced to the world that he gives no consideration to the actual Constitution, and he thinks other judges should follow his example.

In an op.ed., Seventh Circuit Judge Richard Posner stated plainly:  I see absolutely no value to a judge of spending decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation.

Posner then wrote: "The original Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the post-Civil War amendments... do not speak to today."

And herein lies the problem. If the predominantly leftist judges and law school deans were honest, they would fully agree with Posner and the view of a "living" Constitution which allows these enlightened elites to invent whatever meaning for our Constitution that fits their cultural proclivities.

And this is precisely why our nation is collapsing at its foundation... and why we must rediscover our true birthright before it's too late!

Source: Grasswoots Action


American Communists do not like the US Constitution (as written).  Their judges prefer to use “case law” to justify their unconstitutional opinions.  This just compounds the errors and makes the “rule of law” malleable.

Further unconstitutional federal laws and state enabling laws come behind these erroneous opinions and codify the error. Government.

The US Constitution (as written) prohibits the federal from owning land, giving subsidies, managing the private economy and welfare. The enumerated powers limit the federal government’s footprint from having any say in education, energy, health, welfare, labor, transportation, housing, employment and most other parts of our economy.

These activities were not prohibited by the States and many of these were allowed to form in the States, like public schools and public transportation.  The federal government illegally included these activities as part of federal functions without waiting for proper Amendments to the Constitution to be ratified by the States.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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