Wednesday, August 10, 2016

10,000 Syrians Ahead

Obama Meets a “Goal” That Could Literally Destroy America

Assistant Secretary of State Ann Richard announced on Friday that the Obama administration is on track to meet the president’s goal of importing 10,000 Syrian refugees into America this fiscal year.

“We can now say that we’ve welcomed 8,000 Syrian refugees so far this year and we are very confident we will welcome at least 10,000,” she announced at a news briefing, according to The Daily Caller. Congratulations. Does she want a cookie?

What Richard and President Barack Obama really need is a reality check from the administration’s top officials, many of whom have warned that the Islamic State group aspires to use the refugee resettlement program to funnel terrorists into the nation — and that the program’s screening process is highly inadequate.

Writing on his website, talk show host Sean Hannity pointed to nine officials who have made such remarks, including FBI Director James Comey, who in 2015 explicitly cautioned that the federal government lacks the capability to conduct thorough background checks on all incoming Syrian refugees.

Moreover, just two months ago, CIA Director John Brennan admitted to Congress that the Islamic State group “is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including in refugee flows, smuggling routes and legitimate methods of travel.”
Hello? Is anybody home? Is nobody in Obama’s inner circle taking note of these statements?

Actually, they are listening; they just don’t care. Take for instance Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Leon Rodriguez, who during the news conference on Friday stated that he is “confident” that the screening process is adequate. His biography at the USCIS website shows no history of him ever having worked in intelligence or investigations, but apparently, he knows better than both FBI Director James Comey and CIA Director John Brennan.

Arrogance, much? I guess he learned it from his Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama.

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