Thursday, August 18, 2016

Democrats Ruined Milwaukee

Riots, Democratic party owns Milwaukee since 1908, by Thomas Sutrina, 8/17/16

"Sheriff David Clarke, who has Milwaukee under his jurisdiction, has it right when he says this violence and rioting is the result of failed liberal policies. One of these policies is the failed welfare state, which feeds mouths, but does little else and adds to the marginalization of black fathers. This is what happens when the civil society unravels. The left is responsible for this destruction. " Ref: Mark Levin Radio 8/15/2016 & Sean Hannity TV.  He goes on to say that Milwaukee has been governed by the Democratic party members for decades (since 1908) is in the top ten impoverished cities and is the third worst school system in the country run by the Teachers Union  which works to ended the voucher system.

A recap of the match that started the fire.  A traffic stop turned into a chase there the vehicle crashed so the passenger and driver started to run and were chased.  Mr. Smith 'black youth' turn with a 9mm stolen semiautomatic with an extended clip of 22 bullets  (this is why gun control of legal guns will not work) started to point it at the 'black' officer that shot him.  Social media was used to organize the first nights riot before the crime evidence was gathered.  By the next day the body cam on the officer clearly showed the gun and the physical evidence also verified the description above and the outline of the encounter was made public.  Body cam has not been released to the public.

 America has been under Democratic Party rule for 50 years of the last 82 years with 26 years straight rule.  In addition both houses of Congress and the Presidency has been from the Democratic Party for 32 years starting with FDR.  FDR significantly increase the growth rate of the Leviathan government we now have.  Aid to Dependent Children and Social Security are just two programs of many started under FDR, sold to the voter with good intentions.  LBJ and Obama also enjoyed full Democratic Party rule of the Federal government giving us the massive welfare programs of the 'Great Society' and 'Affordable Health Care.'   Carter and Clinton through bank regulation caused homes to be sold to high risk citizens and then to resolve this problem approved the bundling of the loans.   The bubble burst in 2008 bringing in Obama as president.

Republicans only controlled both houses of Congress for 14 years and one presidency of 4 years in the 82 yrs.  Totally insufficient to even slow the growth of the Leviathan.  Life time employment was making the Federal Government a reflection of Democratic Party ideology.  Even when there was a Republican in power in a house of Congress or the White House.

Ronald Reagan that tried harder than most GOP presidents but did not have control of Congress only ended one small program that FDR and LBJ started, a works program which was one of many.  The Democrats actually ended it because it was a total failure.   The other major effort of the Republicans was the Civil Rights laws.  First proposed by Eisenhower the Democratic controlled Senate rejected them.  LBJ that was known for twisting arms could not get more than 60% of the Democrats in the Senate so relied on 93% of the Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Laws.

“The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery could not have done, the harshest Jim Crow laws and racism could not have done, namely break up the black family,” Williams said. “That is, today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two parent families. Historically, from 1870s on up to about 1940s, and depending on the city, 75 to 90 percent of black kids lived in two parent families. Illegitimacy rate is 70 percent among blacks where that is unprecedented in our history.”  Ref:    

Both Sheriff David Clarke and Walter E. Williams, a George Mason economist both black will tell you that the community itself must internally fix the problems, but that can not happen without welfare reform.  The need for welfare reform has been know before Reagan tried reforms that were continued by Bill Clinton, Obama has ended all efforts and has increased the numbers of people receiving welfare. 

Democratic candidate at all levels will present good intentions, but history has shown that the Democratic party creates new programs that increase the size of the leviathan.  The fundamental problems of the existing programs insure failure of new programs.  The Democratic party ideology is at the root of the problems in both old and new programs.  Government is the solution not the Community.

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