Saturday, August 13, 2016

Government 101

The US government was established to put the voters in charge of their government.  Our Constitution and Bill of Rights gave us the “Law of the Land”.  Using this form of government, we became the most prosperous and free country in human history.

Constitutional Limits

The US Constitution (as written) provides limits to federal government activities in the “enumerated powers” section and provides for Amendments to be drafted and approved by 38 States.  Our federal government has failed to comply with the US Constitution and has been allowed to do so by the Courts.  The People must demand that the federal government return to compliance.

There is ample evidence that the federal government went too far and might agree to transfer some activities to the States and we should encourage this, because they have ruined education, healthcare and they overregulate. 

After this exercise of returning failed unconstitutional powers to the States, if the federal government wants to keep any of its unconstitutional activities, they would need to submit an Amendment that allows this authority and have it ratified by 38 States. 

Unconstitutional Government

Government tends to overdo fixes and create worse problems in order to have something to do later.  If the civil rights issues of the 1960s had been limited to giving Blacks the legal rights to use all bathrooms and water fountains, go to all restaurants, ride in any seat in the bus, apply to any school, register to vote and get a job, we would not have a growing “protected class” that Muslims want to use to destroy our country by establishing Sharia Law in the US.   

Lyndon Johnson ruined Black families when he set up a welfare system that encouraged Black fathers to leave their families and Black mothers to have children out of wedlock.  The Black family dissolved as an economic unit.  Parts of it can be found as Black grandparents raised their grandkids, but the damage has been done.  In addition, the legalization of abortion has destroyed 60 million babies, mostly Black, in the worst genocide in the history of the world.  The founder of Planned Parenthood wanted to eliminate the Black race and with the help of our elected officials, she made quite a dent.

If the US federal government was in compliance with the US Constitution (as written) the States would own and be responsible for all “federal lands” including “national monuments”.  There would be a very limited set of responsibilities for the federal government and the functions now assumed by federal departments, agencies and programs would be the sole responsibility of the States and the People. 

The US Constitution (as written) limits the federal government to “enumerated powers” to protect citizens from a large, intrusive, costly government that would surely go bankrupt.  The founders envisioned a nation where all citizens would be free to support themselves and families would provide the social “safety net” when family members cannot support themselves.  Immigrants were required to have “sponsors” who would see to their need for food and shelter until they could find jobs and become self-supporting.

Government paid welfare schemes and subsidies need to be replaced with the elimination of the “Death Tax”, so that families can amass enough wealth to meet its obligations to family members. 

If Social Security savings had been deposited in individual accounts instead of being spent by Congress, we would all have amassed 3-times more than the Social Security Ponzi scheme would pay. With no Death Tax, we all could have left the balance of our accounts to our families.  This would have given our families from $200 thousand to $1 million each. 

Elected Officials currently work for whoever gives them money.  They no longer work for the voters who elected them.  The federal government prints money to pay bribes and conduct extortion to control the votes in Congress and in our legislative bodies.  This will not change until campaign contributions are restricted to voter who would only be able to make contributions to those on their ballot.  Special interests can exercise their “free speech” on their own websites.

UN Agenda 21 allows undo interference in the US and other countries and undermines national sovereignty, the family and the laws of economics. UN Agenda 21 requires that our elected officials commit political suicide for the good of the commune.

Enslaving the masses to produce apathy is the goal of Communism in 2016.  It sets up a division between the government and the citizens.  In 2016, government is organized to advance the interests of government and the interests of citizens are not considered.  Citizens are busy trying to cope with paying their bills and raise their kids and haven’t figured out that government is no longer their friend.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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