Friday, August 12, 2016

More Government Abuse Ahead

Fellow Investor, There's no question that America is in trouble:

More than 155 million Americans have been forced to accept some form of government aid. Even among workers, household income has plunged for five years in a row.
America is being invaded by thousands of undocumented aliens; included among them are criminals, gang members and even terrorists.

Your cost of living is soaring higher — food costs are more than double what they were just six years ago.

The popularity of “outsider” candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders on both ends of the political spectrum shows just how fed up the American people are with "business as usual." Our sharply divided government is powerless to act on important issues, and nearly 80% of voters say they've had it with Congress.

Forecast #1: The era in which nations can print and spend money with reckless abandon is finally coming to an end. Find out who will be the first to pay for these financial sins.

Forecast #2: This economic time bomb is set to EXPLODE in the next year. Don't let it catch you off guard.

Forecast #3: The world's governments will accelerate a terrifying new plan to track and confiscate your wealth.

Source; Larry Edelson, Money and Markets


The US economy will continue to decline unless Trump wins and implements his plan. Negative interest rates in Europe will drive cash out of these countries. Government spending must be reduced in the US and Europe. Banks are not holding enough cash to give depositors if they start pulling their money out of the banks.  Banks will limit withdrawals if this happens.  Some banks will confiscate deposits. Governments who refuse to cut spending will pressure investment entities to invest in public debt and invent new tax schemes to raise tax revenue. Communist governments with no cash, like Venezuela and war torn countries like Syria will continue to suffer.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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