Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Refugee Rally

Washington, DC: August 28th rally for refugees planned, Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 16, 2016

You have got to hand it to them (to the likes of George Soros and big progressive funders like the Tides Foundation), they know how to promote a propaganda campaign.  Just imagine how much money is behind this propaganda campaign!

We have told you on innumerable occasions that in September Barack Hussein Obama will be leading a major effort at the United Nations to open our gates even wider for hundreds of thousands of third world migrants to be placed in your towns. (We learned yesterday that ORR is gearing up to take care of over 200,000 “humanitarian arrivals.”)

September is also the month when the Administration (Obama and Sec. of State Kerry) will make their final determination for the US Refugee Admissions Program and submit their plan for fiscal year 2017. They said last year that they were shooting for 100,000 refugees for FY17, but we expect the number to be much higher.

The buck stops with Speaker Paul Ryan! And, frankly there is only one person who is now in the catbird seat to stop them this fall!—Speaker Paul Ryan.  (I know your hearts are sinking, but that is the cold hard truth.)  Only Congress can stop them by not granting the money needed to place hundreds of thousands of needy people, some from countries that hate us, in over 350 American towns.

Now here they go attempting to soften up Congress by rallying in Washington for refugees on August 28th! They are promoting their rally as a “collective voice against intolerance!”  From DCRally4Refugees (hat tip: Cathy): In the midst of the greatest refugee crisis since WWII, advocates from across the country will gather at DCRally4Refugees, August 28, 2016 at the outdoor Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument on the National Mall in Washington, DC, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (rain or shine).

The rally will raise awareness about the magnitude of the global refugee crisis, encourage advocacy and U.S. action to alleviate suffering through relief efforts and support, and stand in solidarity with refugees and displaced people worldwide.

Steps from the U.S. Capitol, DCRally4Refugees will call on the U.S. to provide more refugee resettlement and increased support to countries and organizations already involved, support proven relief efforts overseas, and offer resources for those who wish to help, raising a collective voice against intolerance.  [Message is clear, if you are concerned about the economic costs and the security for your community you are a hateful, intolerant boob!—ed]

Please read their website carefully.  They want people to attend (obviously), but they also want the Open Borders agitators across the country to send postcards to Congress, send money to them (LOL! through the already massively funded Tides Foundation) and to buy their orange T-shirts (these are master marketers!).

Here is the postcard they have prepared for their people to send to Congress.  If you can’t read the list of supporting groups click on the link above.  Most of the major federal resettlement contractors are listed.  And, although there are other Catholic groups, I’m not seeing the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (hmmm?).  What is up with that? Are you giving them too much guff in your parishes?

I still have a hard time understanding how decent concerned Christians and Jews have joined the globalists and are willing to help multinational corporations import cheap (slave!) labor! (Confirmed on my 30 day tour of the heartland). Go here and see that they are also planning events around the country!


So here are the primary things you need to do in the coming weeks (in addition to putting out fires where you live)—tell Speaker Ryan and your member of Congress to cut the funding for any expansion of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States

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