Friday, August 12, 2016

The Elephant In The Room

By Roseann Salanitri on August 10, 2016 in Daily Rant, Faith & Family, Foreign Policy, Islamic Terrorism, Politics,

The Democratic convention was filled with accolades about the accomplishments of Hillary Clinton. In true Clinton style, every effort was made to pander to groups she believes she owns. Groups who believe she cares about them and their causes when all she cares about is getting their vote. They have confused exploitation with compassion. What the convention contained was predictable, but what it didn’t contain was the proverbial elephant in the room that went unnoticed.

Among all the altruistic hoopla at the convention, not a word was said about the Clinton Foundation, or any of its philanthropic endeavors.

Of course these endeavors cannot be easily traced, since the Foundation was created in Canada (although it is located in New York), and is not subject to our laws regarding transparency. We can only speculate about what the Foundation slogan means when it says it is designed for “Creating Partnerships of Purpose.” Since any “partnerships” or “purposes” remain undefined, one can only assume that perhaps Mrs. Clinton is not proud of those accomplishments, they don’t exist, or she prefers for them to remain under the public’s radar. Regardless, their absence on the convention stage is revealing and should be noted.


The real elephant in the room is UN Agenda 21.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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