Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 Refugee Resettlement

Senate Hearing conducted by Senator Jeff Sessions

Obama proposed 200,000 new refugees over 2 years including Syrian resettlement

The US issues 1 million green cards each year.  In addition the US admits 700,000 foreign workers and 500,000 students. 

The1965 Immigration act added 59 million immigrants over last 5 decades, including children brings this to 72 million added to our 330 million population.  

The US admitted 1.5 million Muslims since 9/11.  In 1970 the US had 1 in 21 foreign born now it is I in 7 are foreign born.  103 million added to population 

More than 3 to 1 Americans oppose resettlement. Only 7% of Americans support resettlement. 

Recommends safe zones in Muslim countries for these refugees.

75% of refugees receive food stamps, over 50% of refugees receive healthcare and cash benefits.  90% of Middle Eastern refugees receive food stamps and 70% of Middle Eastern refugees receive healthcare and cash benefits.

We have no information on Syrian refugees.  Terrorists are in the US.

We have economic migrants claiming refugee status for benefits. They are not from a war zone. 

Actual refugees come from the war zone and include 4 million Syrians, Lebanon and Jordan has Syrian refugees.  The US had 1600 Syrian refugees (and added another 75.000 in 2016. Assimilation of Muslims is a problem.)

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