Friday, September 16, 2016

Big businesses hire refugees

and partner with Obama to replace American workers, by Ann Corcoran, 9/15/16

Huge companies, many of them multinational corporations, are, according to the International Rescue Committee (America’s wealthiest refugee contracting agency), scooping up refugee workers and training them apparently rather than spending the money to train needy African American or other American citizens.

The International Rescue Committee tells us that ‘do-gooderism’ is secondary to making smart business decisions that they say are driving these companies. (Ha! I bet the IRC’s volunteers think this is all about humanitarian zeal!)

Americans first! Wouldn’t it be smart to train and hire needy American citizens first especially in cities hard hit by unemployment that leads to hopelessness and crime? Apparently not!

So if it’s simply good business: Are refugee laborers willing to work more cheaply? Are refugee laborers subsidized by government programs and therefore tax credits fall to companies who hire them? Are refugee laborers trapped (they can’t easily go home) or quit the job? Are refugee laborers more compliant and less willing to complain about working conditions? Are refugee laborers pawns who are really here to change the demographic make-up of America (apparently supported by the companies Obama has lined up below)?
Marketing expert, Jennifer Patterson is Obama’s program director for his corporate partnership for refugees.

We have previously reported on Chobani Yogurt and Chiptotle, both glowingly described by the International Rescue Committee (remember they gave George Soros their Freedom award recently) which directs us to Obama’s Partnership for Refugees sure to be on full display at the United Nations next week (at Obama’s shindig on the 20th).

Here is what the IRC says about Hamdi Ulukaya at Chobani (a leader of the Hijra!): “Other companies have worked on the problem more deliberately. At Chobani—whose Kurdish CEO, Hamdi Ulukaya, has committed the majority of his personal wealth to ending the refugee crisis—the company started hiring refugees soon after it started to grow. 

Resettled refugees now make up 30% of the company’s employees. This, however, isn’t without political challenges: Chobani has faced criticism and calls for boycotts from conservatives who argue that the company is taking jobs from American-born workers.”

Another company the IRC gives a glowing report about is Starwood Hotels (they need maids and janitors) and according to wikipedia the massive chain may be bought out by Marriott.  The Marriotts are long time big supporters of amnesty and more refugee resettlement. Your communities are being changed forever so that giant corporations can have cheap compliant labor!

In addition to those mentioned above, here (below) are the companies you can expect to see showcased at the UN next week with Obama, Samantha Power and of course Hillary lurking in the background.

(For those of you doing research in your towns and cities, find out which corporations are giving money to your elected officials in Washington and then you will know why your Senators and Members of Congress are reluctant to reform, or cut the funding for the Refugee Admissions Program, while feigning concern for the poor of the world.)

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