Friday, September 30, 2016

Clinton vs. Trump Tax Plans

The tax brackets below are the Single rates. 

Clinton Tax Bracket
Earnings under $9275 pay 0%
$9275 to $37650 pay 15%
$37650 to $91150 pay 25%
$91150 to $190150 pay 28%
$190150 to $415050 pay 35%
$415050 to $ $5000000 Pay 39.6%
Over $5000000 pay 43.6% (new bracket)

Hillary raises taxes on everybody.  Hillary wants to tax the poor. A 15% bracket for those who make $9275 is crazy. Everybody who makes under $29000 should vote for Trump.

Trump Tax Bracket
Earnings under $29000 pay 0%
$29000 to 54000 pay 12%
$54000 to 154000 pay 25%
Over 154000 pay 33%

Trump lowers taxes on everybody. He would eliminate the Inheritance Tax, so that family farms won’t be taxed into oblivion when grandpa dies. He restores the family as the basic economic unit in the US.  Trump’s 25% bracket is still too high.

Sources: Forbes, Tax Foundation, Money Morning staff research

Trumps Jobs Plan includes lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15% to give overtaxed small businesses a break and to give big companies the ability to stay in the US and move operations back to the US.  He would also give big companies a lower tax to return $Trillions earned overseas back to the US to invest in US-based operations. 

Lowering taxes and regulations, returning to coal-fired electric plants, immigration reductions and resurgence in oil and gas production and mining will make more jobs available to US citizens.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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