Monday, September 19, 2016

Corporations don’t care what we think

GE just warned Georgia to adopt all of their anti-discrimination policies or else. See AJC 9/18/16. They have vowed to follow Obama’s political correctness hoax and demand that Georgia comply. When did GE assume control of Georgia Law? There was a time when US corporations cared about what their consumers thought.  Those days are gone.  What will GE do if Trump is elected?  Do you thinks they will let us pass our own laws?  Their comment was that they wouldn’t locate to any state that allowed bigotry. But laws against bigotry are not enforceable in a free country with free speech.  Do they support the elimination of free speech?  Perhaps they should move to China.

The Religious Liberty Bill was vetoed in Georgia in March 2016. It was passed by the legislature to protect churches from discrimination suits for not hiring gays. Gays have not been added to the federal civil rights act as a protected group. All of this “support” from corporations is coming from the Supreme Court opinion that gays have a right to marry.

Churches need to determine their liabilities during this period of legal uncertainty.  The fact that gays have their own churches and businesses should soften this issue, but corporations are going over the top on this prematurely and inappropriately. I’m sure GE could buy enough congressmen to put gays as a protected group in the civil rights act.  I assume their policies include Muslims and pedophiles. 

We see that Canadian law does punish their citizens for criticizing gays.  They get fines and jail time.  We see this being proposed in Germany.

Merkel wants to make it against the law to criticize Muslims in Germany.  She will be fired in 2017.  Does GE want to move to Germany?  I’m sure some Americans can form a company to compete with them if we can become a free society. 

The Brexit vote is probably the beginning of the end for the EU, so is GE threatening the UK and other member countries for not taking more refugees?

We are Americans and we know that tolerance must be earned, not legislated. If GE thinks they are immune from consumer distain, they are mistaken. 

This is another case of predatory big things acting predatory, like our federal government and BLM.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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