Friday, September 2, 2016

Defund Refugee Resettlement

New Youtube: 200,000 refugees in 2017? The buck stops with the Republican Congress! by Ann Corcoran 9/1/16

I reported yesterday that the Open Borders Left has signaled how many refugees they want Obama to propose when he does his United Nations confab on September 20th.
They want 200,000 in fiscal year 2017!

There is only one entity that can stop them and that is Congress—either they fund Obama’s last ‘determination’ or they don’t.  Although your governors and your state and local elected officials should hear from you, and it goes without saying that Hillary must be defeated, but there is only one place where it really matters this fall—-Congress!

Congress holds the purse strings, they decide in the appropriations process unfolding in Washington right now whether the US will take 2,000 or 200,000 refugees in 2017 because as we know the federal resettlement contractors would shrivel up and go away without YOUR money feeding their salaries, offices, staff, travel, lobbying! etc. Anyway, here is my new youtube promoting that message (LOL! laughing at this freeze frame!):

Here is the link to the video if it doesn’t play in your e-mail:

Yesterday a reader asked me to publish the addresses for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan because, as you know, trying to reach them electronically is impossible.

Remember the other side is flooding Congress with postcards, see here (scroll down to see card).  Maybe it’s time for an old fashioned letter writing campaign to counter them. After all, it is your money that will be required to fund 200,000 refugees’ travel, placement, and lives in America.  (In an upcoming post, I’ll give you some other important legislators who need to hear from you!)

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 Phone Number: (202) 224-2541 Speaker Paul Ryan1233 Longworth HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3031

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