Friday, September 23, 2016

Deport Jihadists’ Families

Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be Jihadists….or we will deport you too!  by Ann Corcoran, 9/22/16

We have focused our attention on the vetting process for refugee resettlement, maybe because that is easier to see, easier maybe to get a handle on, but most of the recent successful terror attacks in the US have been committed by those 3-year olds we  raised up after we ‘welcomed’ their families to America. How do you vet against those?

In 2014 Mohamed Osman Mohamud was sentenced to 30-years for plotting to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, OR. He came here as a small child.

When I say “we,” I mean the US taxpayer.  We put roofs over their heads, we fed them, we treated their medical problems and sent them to school and college, and what came out at the end, not an upwardly mobile young man, but a killer for Allah.

So we can vet the refugees coming in all we want, but its the next generation that has turned to the teaching of Islam for their guidance.

Both of the terrorists last weekend (in NY/NJ and MN) came to America as small children, as refugees and asylees. And, who can forget the Boston Bombers—the Tsarnaev brothers.  But, I bet you have long forgotten the Somali Christmas tree bomber and the evil creep who killed some of our military men in Chattanooga.  (I’m not bothering to list all of the Minnesota Somalis who either already left the country to join the international jihad or are in prison for trying to leave.)

All came as children who grew up supposedly assimilated and then said s**** the good life, I want to kill infidels.  How do you screen against those?

Do you remember when Obama went to the Philippines in 2015 and sneered at American ‘fears of 3-year olds?’ (There is actually a longer version of this same speech where he sneers at the idea of bringing in only Christians but could not find one that could be inserted easily here.)

Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for the vast numbers of Muslims being admitted through the refugee program we wouldn’t be talking about all of this.  We still couldn’t economically afford the unsustainable numbers Obama and the Republicans in Congress are admitting from all corners of the world, but Islamic terrorism would not be our major fear. As far as I know, no 3-year-old Christian refugees have grown up to attack us (to bite the hand that fed them) in the name of their faith.

Face it! The only possible solution is a moratorium on Muslim refugees (and other legal immigrants) coming to the US from certain parts of the world, because yes, we have a legitimate (proven) fear of 3-year-olds.

An aside:  You know how we could expose the young jihadists living in our communities. If we had a law on the books to deport all immediate family members of a convicted Islamic terrorist and anyone else connected to that terrorist who could be proven to have known about his/her intentions—best friends, Imams, etc.  Imagine how quickly some of these potential jihadists would be turned in in advance!

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