Monday, September 5, 2016

Killing the US with its own Kindness

Propaganda programming aimed at sedating US citizens is massive and starting to prove to be suicidal. 

Having survived the Great Depression using kindness to strangers, the federal government used propaganda praising the kindness of US citizens to destroy our free market economy. 

We sent our soldiers into the 1914 World War I to be slaughtered in 1917, we won in 1918.  We gave massive aid to Europe.  We sent our soldiers into the 1939 World War II to be slaughtered in 1941; we won in 1945.  We gave massive aid to Europe.  We were proven to be kind, generous, selfless, strong and victorious.  This set us up to drain our resources to give away to foreign entities and we’ve been doing that ever since. 

Donald Trump now has us questioning where we are now.  Our $20 trillion National Debt, our 450% money printing experiment, our excessive immigration and off-shoring of US jobs has left us with 100 million working-age US citizens who are without jobs.  We are in danger of being destroyed economically and given to a large groups of international criminals with a UN takeover.

Big government giveaway programs invite fraud, especially when it involves US military intervention. $Trillions of US dollars have been wasted on padding the bank accounts of international criminals. Foreign dictators have become wealthy by pocketing our foreign aid.  The military equipment we abandon ends up being used against us in the same nations we go in to “save”.  The US has been drawn into governance by bribery with the rest of the corrupt banana republics in the UN.

The entire US government is intent on giving away our money, our property and our freedom to foreigners. The US State Department is a wholly owned subsidiary of the UN.

The US federal government spends most of their time and most of our money trying to “influence” rogue foreign governments from causing trouble.  This isn’t working.  Bribery never works. It only invites the international criminals to keep inventing more ways to scam us.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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