Sunday, September 11, 2016

Large Country Comparison


The GDP in Russia peaked at $2.32 trillion in 2013 only to go down to $2.031 trillion in 2014 and finish at $1.326 in 2015, due to the drop in oil prices. 

The population of Russia was 146.3 million in 2015. 

The Russian land mass is 6,592,800 square miles.  Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one eighth of Earth's inhabited land area.  


In 2015, the US GDP was $17.9 trillion and the US population was 321 million.
The US land mass is 3.806,000 square miles


China’s land mass is 3.705,000 square miles
In 2015, China’s GDP was $10.86 trillion, up from $2.73 trillion in 2006.  In 2015, China’s population was 1.376 billion.

City Data Notes

Russia is physically the largest country, yet about half is uninhabitable. Canada is second largest but it also has lots of uninhabilitable area. I wonder what the rankings of sizes would be, if you only included habitable areas.

I couldn't find lists of how much of each country is habitable. Australia sure has a huge amount of desert, and so does any country containing the 


Prosperity in every country is dependent on the population earning enough income to enjoy some prosperity. This takes effort on the part of their citizens to increase their self-reliance and productivity. China and Russia were not developed to give their populations the promise of land ownership, usually required to develop a true market economy like the US. So, it’s hard to say what Russia could eventually do with its land mass advantages or what China could do with its population.

Not all countries can reach the level of prosperity the US has achieved, but they must try to improve their lot to benefit their populations.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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