Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Media is Willfully Dumb

The vapid election coverage is getting to me.  The “taking heads” on TV “news” are emphasizing the election trivia without focusing on the issues.  They are joined by the print media to give voters the impression that Hillary will win. 

They are hoping for a herd mentality to form and encourage really dumb voters to join the herd.  Herds like safety in numbers and tend to bunch together when prompted to do so, but they do not recognize that the cowboys are herding them to the slaughterhouse.

The media is obsessed with who is winning in the polls to encourage the herd mentality.  But polls can be rigged.  Poll questions can be rigged and poll participants can be ‘selected’. The media’s job is to get candidates to disclose their positions on the issues that are the most relevant and comment when candidates ‘spin’ the answers.

I realize that government has “dumbed down” the populace, but even our current voters would benefit from some debatable facts. 

Our Immigration problem isn’t about whether or not they like Trump.  Our immigration problem is that we have imported 60 million of them during a time when we were exporting 60 million jobs. Our jobs problem is due to the fact that we have millions more job seekers than jobs.  We have 100 million working age US citizens who do not have jobs. 

Our government spending and debt problems are made worse by our loose welfare plans and tax refund giveaways that include these immigrants.  Our most dangerous immigration problem is importing Muslims to take over our towns and counties.  All of this is being funded by the US taxpayers and put on the government credit card.

Liberals are playing the “broken record” on Trump as a billionaire bigot who isn’t qualified to be President.  When media enablers ask them about facts, they make over-the-top lies.  If a car salesman pulled this crap, you would leave the lot.  Liberal voters didn’t ask Obama for the “car fax” to see who he really was.  Liberals insist that Obama did a good job, but go berserk if reporters ask them about the threats that face our economy.  Democrat voters answer questions posed by the media by parroting the Democrat narrative embedded in slogans, denial and attacks on Trump. 

Maybe some corporations want to hire immigrants, illegals and refugees to keep labor cheap, but the government welfare cost for these immigrants is going on our credit card as a subsidy to these corporations.

Democrats need to be asked how they will pay off the $20 trillion debt.  Most will try to deflect the question, but Bernie and Hillary said they would push for tax increases. They need to answer the debt question in detail, estimating how the tax increases would affect jobs. The same goes for their estimate of increases in the consumer cost of replacing coal, hydro and nuclear with wind and solar. Democrats should be forced to answer if they think Sharia Law should replace US law and if they support forming a world government under the UN. These interview programs should last an hour, giving Democrats lots of time to answer the questions fully.

The elephant in the room is that most voters have been herded into denial that government spending, debt and money printing will result in more crashes in our economy. They are like the frogs swimming in warm water who don’t realize that the water will eventually begin to boil. They only know what they see and they don’t see the danger ahead. They continue to live on credit because they can. Businesses are playing musical chairs and want to keep the music going, so they don’t want consumers to know the dangers ahead, because they might pull back on their spending. These same businesses are quietly preparing for the music to stop, but they underestimate the scope of the problem.  They are also swimming in the warm water.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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