Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Merkel is Toast

Merkel Suffers Major Defeat in Elections by Martin Armstrong, 9/5/16

CHANCELOR ANGELA MERKEL has suffer a major defeat with her party coming in third place in her homes state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sunday. The signs of a major anti-immigration movement in Germany assures Merkel’s days are clearly numbered. The growing discontent with the Chancellor is all we hear from our direct sources in Germany.

Only one year after she announced her open borders policy, Merkel’s CDU party was beaten so badly coming in only in 3rd place behind Germany’s Alternative for Deutschland party (AfD) who secured 21% of the vote in her home state no less. Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) is going down for a resounding defeat and all the polls rigging and press rigging will not matter, Mainstream press has been supporting Merkel in Germany and they have lost respect of the German population. We are watching the demise of both career politicians and mainstream media.

The handwriting is on the wall. Merkel’s open borders has been a total disaster for all of Europe. This entire mess was only to boost her personal polls when they were collapsing because of her hard line tactics with Greece. This is a sign of the times. The end of politics as we have known it since World War II. As we have warned, 2015.75 was the peak in government. The further we move from that point in time, the more clear that turning point will come into focus.

German elections 2017: Germany plans for elections between August 27, 2017 and October 22, 2017 to be held on a Sunday. 


UN control of Europe is slipping and it should.  As all of these countries approach their election dates, they will reject the Muslim invasion orchestrated by the UN, the EU and their own governments. 

What started with the global warming scam in 1992 and inflicted $trillions in unnecessary costs for unsustainable, unaffordable “green” energy is now ending because of refugee resettlement and open borders policies.

The Brexit vote and problems with the Euro, overspending governments, unsustainable sovereign debt and the loss of freedom and rights may prompt Germany, France and others to quit the EU to return their own laws to the books.

A Trump victory in November would add to this movement in Europe.  All of us will need to reduce government’s footprint, make government pay down their debt and increase freedom and the free market.  This means putting families back in charge of their governments and their economies.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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