Thursday, September 8, 2016

Middle East Chaos

Arab Spring

The Arab Spring was an eruption of mass protest in several Arab countries[1] that drove regime changes, authoritarian government crackdowns, and sometimes a mix of both. New communications technology, manifested as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, were credited with helping protestors organize, and some contend that the spirit of protest spread to the United States and Europe via the "Occupy" movements.

For many observers, the important questions about the Arab Spring are not about the liberal and democratic image offered up for Western consumption but about the role played by Islam fundamentalists.

Raymond Stock, Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle East Studies at Drew University and Guggenheim Fellow who lived in Cairo from 1990 to 2010, writes that the Arab Spring in Egypt was actually less spontaneous than it was cleverly orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, who "endorsed the uprising before it began, not afterward—and clearly was in communication with its organizers then as well. And thereafter, rather than playing only a minor role, as most accounts claim, it was in fact the MB, more than any other group, that really brought the crowds into Tahrir and elsewhere. The Muslim Brotherhood was not a sheepish junior partner and Johnny-come-lately, as the media and experts portrayed it, but the most important player as of the second day of demonstrations, right through the end—and beyond."[2]

With the exceptions of Tunisia and Bahrain, the liberal phase of the Arab Spring was effectively over by Spring 2012. Curiously, however, many in the West refused to recognize that the movements had been largely hijacked by illiberal Sunni Islamists funded by conservative Sunni Arab monarchies.[3] Even today, many US and UK politicians still openly advocate for "no-fly-zones", weapons shipments to rebels, and even a war against the Syrian government.

UN Agenda 21 requires the dissolution of all current nation-states to make way for the “new world order”.  Obama was hired by George Soros to advance Agenda 21 implementation in the US and beyond.  Hillary and Obama are the most loyal UN Agenda 21 supporters on the planet.  They attend all UN meetings and continue to defer to UN pronouncements. The UN pretends to be the global government and Democrats support this.

The Arab Spring was a movement designed to topple Middle Eastern governments to make way for a UN takeover. The problem was that the voters in these countries were unwitting accomplices who just wanted a higher standard of living. Their current governments were filled with people who were only interested in maintaining their own standard of living. 

Islamic terror groups used the Arab Spring to advance their goal of restoring the old Ottoman Empire that would include all current Arab countries.  Iran wants to be the leader of this caliphate. The old Ottoman Empire was dissolved by Turkey in 1924 following a series of wars for independence. Great Britain took over additional countries, but eventually wore out its welcome and reformed their territories. Over time, most these countries replaced their monarchs with tyrants.

The Saudis have embarked on a plan to educate their citizens to develop their private economy beyond their oil economy.  This is the right course, but Islam is too exclusionary to make any Muslim country a major player.  Although, they could become a major player with other Muslim countries and could lead other Muslim countries to spend more time making their citizens more self-sufficient productive and more prosperous.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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