Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Nasty Ground Game Ahead

Georgia was rumored as a possible Blue State in November by Democrats looking for electoral votes and the Clinton team has arrived. This means the ground game will get dirty.  The Soros rioters are here. There are teams of Clinton supporters ready to harass Trump voters.

This has been a whisper ground game so far.  You don’t see yard signs or bumper stickers.  It’s as if voters have gone silent about their choice to avoid confrontation.  This is not new, neighbors have always been cautious not to offend their neighbors, but here we are near the end of September and you wouldn’t know we have an election in November. Yard signs and bumper stickers have been delayed.  It is a very different campaign.  But emotions couldn’t be higher. 

Bumper stickers are being defaced and removed.  I expect yard signs will be taken.  Clinton protesters are showing up at local Trump rallies. Police presence for these rallies is enormous.

I recommend that we put out our yard signs and put on our bumper stickers and replace them as needed.  But we should avoid confrontation with protesters in person.  We should avoid protesters, ignore them, not look at them, not talk to them and keep away from them.  We should shun them. 

As for friends, relatives and neighbors who are not Trump voters, we need to convince them using Trump’s economic plan. Trump can end the economic decline and government harassment we have been experiencing. 

We are winning the argument on issues.  Who would have thought that we would have elected Trump to be the Republican nominee?  Who would have thought he could so easily kill political correctness in the first GOP debate?  Who would have thought that all of his positions would be in line with the Constitution?  Who would have thought that Trump would attract blue collar voters and expand the Republican voter base?  It appears to me that Trump will be elected.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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