Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Palestinians are not Refugees

Palestinian says Hungary is suspicious of refugees; no grass for the kids (huh?), by Ann Corcoran 9/27/16  Say what?

Invasion of Europe news…. Amnesty International’s friends! Some of those sweet refugees trying to break the border fence and get in to Hungary in 2015. How long do you think there would be a Hungary if they opened their gates to the Middle East?

Amnesty International is trying to influence a Hungarian election coming up in a week.  Hungarians will vote on whether to accept EU quotas on how many refugees each country must take, including Hungary.  Amnesty International has put out a ‘report’ on how mean Hungary is to the masses arriving from the Middle East. (Standard International Leftist ploy, put out a report.  Why don’t we do that more often?)

Here is the news at the UK Express: A report from the human rights agency claims the criminalization of those hoping to seek asylum in Europe has erupted into violence, with many reporting police beatings and aggressive threats from detention centers. Refugees are also allegedly being denied basic care, in a “flagrant breach” of intentional law and European Union directives.

The report comes just a week before [the timing is just coincidental, LOL!—ed] the country will take to the polls in a referendum to keep the decision on whether to accept more refugees in their hands – not Brussels’.

Many paragraphs later we see qouted one of those who talked to Amnesty. First note she is a Palestinian. What the heck, thought it was Syrians that are the flavor of the year.  Is Hungary expected to ‘welcome’ every Muslim who wants to come to the country from anywhere on the globe?

And, then look at this!  We are further expected to believe the ol’ grandma who can’t walk got all the way to the Hungarian border by presumably walking?  Or, were they chauffeur-driven? I’m pretty suspicious at this point. But, then see what the poor Palestinian ‘refugee’ says next.

Mean ol’ Hungary has no grass for her kids! Nothing green! Her kids are being deprived of grass in Hungary. What the heck! Do they have green lawns in Palestine?   And, it is hot in Hungary (hotter in Hungary than Palestine)! Sheesh! Just go home then!

One refugee, who spoke to Amnesty International, had travelled from Palestine with her husband, four children aged between three and 13, and her 72-year-old mother-in-law who is unable to walk.

She told the agency: “It’s not nice here for the children. It’s barbed wire and no grass, nothing green for them. It’s hot and not a good environment for them to be in.

“The first time we arrived here and saw this we were so scared. It looked like a jail, we were so scared. In Hungary there is suspicion.”

If that is the best maligned ‘refugee’ Amnesty can present, it is no wonder Hungarians are suspicious! Stick to your guns Hungary and say NO!

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.

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