Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reality Inversion

Alex Jones video explains the way the Democrats and the media push false propaganda into the heads of their weak minded followers with made-up accusations repeated over and over again using the same words and phrases. All of their narratives are consistent and repetitious. He sees Obama and Hilary connected to UN globalists and blames the Democrats and media for this scam.  He says it works until the “Demo-bots” think about it and realize that what they are “programming” is untrue. The names they call their opponents include racist, sexist, Islamophobe, homophobe, bigot and hater.

The opponents really are Americans who want smaller less abusive government and a better economy. Many believe that the federal government does more harm than good.

The selection of these particular names is revealing.  The racist accusation is designed to capture minorities and retain the Black voters.  Sexist is aimed at the women’s vote.  Islamophobe is aimed the pro-Muslim immigration vote.  Homophobe is aimed at the Gay vote.  Bigot is aimed at all women and minority votes.  Hater is aimed to get the vote of anyone who wants more big government and supports UN Agenda 21. The Democrats are attempting to hold on to their base.

The wild cards include several groups. First is the “feed the poor” Christians. They should be anti-Democrat by now, but half of them have been Democrat voters in past years. Abortion is less popular today than it ever was, but it is not being talked about.  The war on Christianity should have some effect on this election. Next is the union vote and there are massive defections this year. Finally, the Republican base is split and in play. RINOs in Congress are having to choose. 

Reality inversion can affect all voters who are not focused on how bad and abusive federal government policy, UN Agenda 21 abuse, the global warming hoax, the unaffordable green energy scam, mal-investment in public transit, threatened higher energy bills, destructive laws and regulations, a $20 trillion debt, a 450% increase in money printing, banks with $300 trillion in derivatives, bad trade deals, continued off-shoring of US jobs, no jobs and declining income for US citizens, excessive immigration, the Muslim invasion, jobs and welfare reserved for refugees, ObamaCare, Common Core and terror attacks on US soil have been created and unleashed by Democrat politicians.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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