Monday, September 19, 2016

Refugees Going Home

Re-Migration! Phony refugees leaving Germany and going home!  by Ann Corcoran 9/18/16

Invasion of Europe news….Hmmm! Re-migration! Maybe that will save my political hide!

Frustrated with the bureaucracy and homesick for their own homes and the culture from which they came are two reasons given for scores of supposedly persecuted people heading back to the Middle East.

And, this story reminds me, and makes me wonder how many refugees being foisted on American towns at this very minute and finding themselves trapped in jobs at meatpacking plants paying low wages, are wishing they could go home too! Re-migration!

I’m still pushing for one reform that Congress could easily make happen and that is to set up a repatriation fund to finance the airfare (and maybe a small bit of start-up money) to help unhappy immigrants leave America and go home!

(Are leftwingers and Obama going to want to keep unhappy refugees here? Let’s call their bluff! Is it about humanitarianism or something else?)

But, I digress. Here is the news from Breitbart London:
Migrants in the German capital of Berlin are fed up of waiting for their asylum claim and an increasing number are simply heading back to where they came from.

The State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF) in Berlin has announced that more and more migrants are choosing to voluntarily repatriate to their countries of origin. The reason for the surge in re-migration is down to the Berlin government’s notoriously long wait times when it comes to processing asylum claims.

The number of migrants leaving Berlin has increased over the last year by over 80 per cent Die Welt reports. Of those returning, migrants from Iraq are the most common, making up 25 per cent Afghanis are second most common, at 20 per cent.

The origin of the migrants is very similar to those who have chosen to go on holiday back to their home countries at German tax payer expense, as revealed earlier this week. Both the willingness to return, either on holiday, or permanently, has led many to question what the migrants were fleeing in the first place when they came to Germany.
More here.  Some are even re-engaging the original people smugglers who brought them to Europe to get them home again. Go here for everything we have posted about Germany, and here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.


So, the UN wanted to send Muslim refugees into Europe to ruin Europe.  The refugees acted horribly. The German people don’t want them there anymore.

They punished the Merkel government in the last election and will fire her for getting them in this mess in 2017. The Brexit vote is threatening the existence of the EU.

We knew the UN and their cadre of global communists were relentless, but thankfully they are also stupid.

If we push for the ouster of the politicians and communists who brought us global warming, UN Agenda 21, the destabilization of the Middle East and the carbon tax hoax, we will win. 

We would be smart to disband the UN as punishment for the $trillions this cost us. I recommend a “scorched earth” policy for these communists everywhere. Germans and other Europeans should make sure that their Muslim population is reduced to zero.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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