Monday, September 26, 2016

Removing Government Corruption

Our first priority should be to return manufacturing, mining and oil and gas jobs to the US.  We need to lower the corporate tax rate to 15% and use tariffs, import taxes and fees to level the playing field.  We need to remove economy- killing unnecessary regulations and end excessive immigration.  This is the “low hanging fruit”.  As the economy expands, welfare will be replaced with jobs and tax revenues will increase.  We need to end big government and expand the private economy or we’re screwed.

The US Federal government began its march to total corruption when it determined that the end justified the means.  The corruption began with ignoring the contradiction between the Bill of Rights declaration that “all men are created equal” contradicted by the continuation of slavery. They should have established a timeline to convert the slave economy to a wage economy from the start. 

The next violation was when it ignored states’ rights to secede from the Union as the Confederate States did beginning in 1860s. The Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist debate still needs to be decided by an Amendment ratification by the States.

The next violation was when it created Yellowstone National park in 1872, despite US Constitution restricted federal government land ownership to the minimum necessary to function.  Federal lands amount to 30% of the US landmass and need to be returned to the States they were unconstitutionally taken from.  The also needs to be resolved through the Amendment process

The next violation was the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 to replace our market economy with a “managed economy” and the creation of the inheritance tax designed to weaken families and strengthen government.  There have been many more violations since 1913. 

Congress should be given the choice to either dissolve unconstitutional departments, agencies and programs, or submit Amendments to the States to bring these functions into legal compliance.

We need to remove government subsidies to restore our market economy, otherwise, we will not be able to restore the law of supply and demand to reestablish market pricing. Education and Healthcare costs are unsustainable and need to be returned to market pricing in order to bring prices down.

The US Constitution requires Congress to draft Amendments and submit them to the States for ratification in order amend the Constitution.  They didn’t do this whenever they thought the States would not ratify what they wanted to do; they just passed an unconstitutional law and had the President sign it.   The excuse they made was the fantasy that the Constitution was a ‘living document’.  This was a scam that opened the federal government to doing whatever they wanted to do.  It was for them the culmination of the on-going debate between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.  So far, the Federalists have been winning by continuing to ignore the Constitution.  Ben Franklin and other founders warned us about this.

However, now it clear, that the federal government has screwed up everything it has touched and it’s time to pin back their ears.  A good start is to make them follow and enforce their own laws and use the 10th Amendment to transfer unconstitutional functions to the States and the People.  This should result in the elimination of the US Departments of Education, Energy, Labor, Interior, EPA, HUD, etc.

Socialist programs need to be removed and replaced as quickly as possible. The government must remove itself from lending and insurance functions and allow these to return to the private sector. 

The federal budget must be balanced as quickly as possible and the national debt repaid as quickly as possible before interest rates can return to market pricing. 

Campaign finance should be reformed to restrict campaign contributions to voters only; and only for candidates who will appear on their ballot.  This would end special interest contributions and would end the current practice of ignoring the voters.  We can’t take our country back if elected officials don’t work for us.  Special interests can exercise their free speech rights on their own websites. If we don’t do this, nothing will change.

Regulations need to be pared back to reduce costs, remove protectionism for monopoly corporations and government and allow open competition within the US.

We need to do whatever is required to reestablish our Republic.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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