Saturday, September 24, 2016

Texas School Arms Teachers

Texas School Posts sign warning of Armed Staff, by Dave Jolly, 9/23/16

The one factor that every school shooting has had in common is that they have occurred on school campuses that are gun free zines. Columbine High School, Sandy Hook Elementary School and other locations of school shootings were all gun free. No one on staff was armed or allowed to be armed and hence no one could have prevented the massacres of school kids from happening.

Ask yourself why Obama’s kids attended a school that had up eleven armed guards on campus at all times? He’s stated many times that he is against guns and especially against arming school staff to protect YOUR kids, while HIS kids have been protected by armed guards on campus.

I’ve written in the past about Ohio passing a law that allows properly trained and licensed school faculty and staff being allowed to be armed with conceal carry weapons on school campuses. The training schools for such licensing have been inundated with applications and they have waiting lists of hundreds of teachers and administrators who want to be able to protect YOUR kids from any nutcase that targets their school.

Now I’m happy to report that the Medina Independent School District has also taken appropriate action to protect the kids at their schools. If you drive by Medina Elementary School, you will see a large sign in front of the school stating:

“Attention. Please be aware that the staff at Medina ISD may be armed and will use whatever force is necessary to protect our students.”

According to Superintendent Penny White explained that they are 20-25 minutes away from law enforcement located in Bandera, Texas. She believes the signs will help deter any crazy people from targeting their schools:

“I think that anybody who might have a thought about harming someone in mind might think twice about it.”
When the media asked her if the staff are really armed, she refused to answer.

To date, the school district has not received any complaints about the signs. Jillian Sides, a mother of two kids who attend the Medina school commented about the sign, saying:
 “Schools have been a target for, for lack of a better word, crazy people, and I’m perfectly fine with it.”

A photo of the sign was posted on the Bandera Bulletin Facebook page has had over 5,000 shares and nearly 4,000 likes. Some of the comments read:

“We need many more guns in schools, full auto weapons and RPG’s with minefields surrounding schools to keep out marauding bands of Muslim terrorists bent on Jihad and BLM anarchists, only then will we be safe.”

[Timlin Isbad]- “It’s about damn time. hooray for that school and district.” [Diane Carroll] “They know what is important and not afraid to say it.” [Aubrey Smith] “That’s great. It’ll give the criminals something to think about before going in.” [Enrique Amar]

I think Jay Peay may have said it best with his comment:
“This needs to be posted at every school. We use armed guards to protect our money, but do nothing to protect our most precious resource, our children.”

Personally, I believe in training and arming every school teacher and faculty member willing to trained and armed.

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