Thursday, September 15, 2016

Uninformed Voters

Believing things that aren’t true

Our decisions are based on what we believe is true.  Values are driven by beliefs. Actions are driven by values.  In this election year we are seeing uninformed voters passionately rejecting Trump because the things they believe are not true and Trump has uncovered them. These uninformed voters heard and memorized the propaganda they were fed in grade school, high school and college. That is why they believe the lies.  It’s the repetition over years of being programmed.

Stockholm syndrome was studied after World War II to determine how some citizens of Nazi occupied countries like Sweden could defend what Germany did and identify with their cause. Many Germans who were subjected to Hitler’s brutality were equally afflicted.  Muslims who have studied the Koran all of their lives are susceptible to being radicalized with challenges by Imams demanding Jihad.  Movies like the “Manchurian Candidate” “Telefon” and “Naked Gun” that show that people can be programmed to become assassins.

Some of the uninformed US voters have been programmed to obsess over slavery and racism and told that it is at the root of all evil and is everywhere. These “victims” are not victims of slavery or racism. They are victim of brainwashing.  They have been trained to demand everything as “rights”, as reparations for inflicting them with slavery and racism. 

Other uninformed voters have been programmed to obsess over the environment.  They still believe man-made global warming is a serious problem because they have been programmed to believe it. 

The programming of these two groups is not true.  Many minorities have rejected the programming to pursue their own best interests.

The repetition of names like racist, sexist, bigot, homophone, Islamophobe and hater are used in Democrat talking points and are repeated back by programmed Demo-bots when asked issue questions.  It’s as if they didn’t even hear the question.  

The root of all evil is sin. The 10 Commandments give us the sins we must avoid. We have free will and when we use it to sin, the sin itself can become the delivery mechanism of the punishment.  The sins of people who have already died cannot honestly be use to extort reparations from people who are living and didn’t commit the sin. That’s called a scam.

Charity is a one to one voluntary activity. Mother Theresa of Calcutta did this correctly. When government does it as a bribe for votes it’s called socialism, an economic big government system where government attempts to make itself a false god.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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