Wednesday, September 21, 2016

US Energy Exports vs Imports

US natural gas exports increased from 1,514,242 million cubic feet in 2014 to 1,783,512 million cubic feet in 2015, all carried by pipelines. 

Our liquefied natural gas imports are down from 100 million cubic feet in 2007 to under 20 million cubic feet in 2016.

US Coal exports are down from 125,746 thousand short tons in 2012 to 14,153 thousand short tons in 2016.  US Coal imports are down from 9,159 thousand short tons in 2012 to 2698 thousand short tons in 2016.

We will need to finish the oil pipeline and should build more liquid natural gas condensing plants to take it out of the pipeline and ship it using liquid natural gas tankers.  Natural gas (methane) liquefies at -260 degrees F.

Liquid Petroleum or LP gas is ethane or propane and does not require low temperature treatment.  US exports are expected to grow from 1 million barrels per day to 2 million barrels per day by 2040.

US oil imports were down until oil prices dropped, because of fracking costs.  Then US oil production fell and imports increased.

Global oil production is about 80 million barrels per day

Global oil demand is about 97 million barrels per day

Global oil supply is about 97.5 million barrels per day

US oil production is about 10 million barrels per day

US oil consumption is 19.4 million barrels per day

When oil prices go over $50 per barrel, US oil production will increase.  We have enough reserves to become a net exporter of energy if oil settles at $60 per barrel. Trump says we are sitting on $18 trillion in energy.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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