Saturday, January 14, 2017

Communists Fighting Each Other

The Communists embedded in the US federal government are attacking Russia, the former Soviet Union.  They are joined by delusional cold warriors and federal agency employees who want job security and need to invent bogymen to justify their activities.

Maybe they are mad at Russia for banning the Communist Party in 1990.  But I think it’s just a convenient coalition to include our federal “cold warriors” in this distraction. The Democrats want to appear to be anti-Communist (except for Cuba”).  The “cold warriors” want to appear to be relevant.

Russia is a huge country (6.6 million square miles) with a relatively small GDP ($3.7 trillion). They have an oil economy like Venezuela.  They cannot financially afford to mess around with the Ukraine.  If you believe that voters should decide things, you can’t object to the 80% vote in Crimea to be annexed by Russia.  If the internet hacking bothers you, you need to know that every intelligence agency does that.  The big deal is to protect “mid-ware” so that nobody can shut down our electric grids using their internet connections.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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