Thursday, January 5, 2017

Demanding a Debt-Free Government

There is no reason for the US to have a national debt at all.  We now have a $20 trillion debt and that poses an existential risk to our sovereignty.

Governments at all levels in the US should have restrictions on spending and borrowing.  Balanced budgets with some surplus should be mandated for the federal government and in addition they should be forced to repay their $20 trillion debt over the next 20 years. 

The first priority is to grow the US economy by returning manufacturing jobs to the US and reducing our excess immigrant labor and welfare burden.  As this occurs, we need to shrink the federal government to reduce its annual spending back from $4 trillion to $3 trillion.  We need to cancel all Agenda 21 implementation in the US and remove Regional Commissions.  We need to reduce our national debt to 50% of GDP as soon as we can and unleash oil and natural gas production to become a net exporter of energy.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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