Sunday, January 8, 2017

EPA caught destroying records

Obama’s EPA was just caught destroying federal records. 12/27/16, Surprise, surprise.

Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency was caught intentionally destroying federal records. If this happened under President Donald Trump, people would be FIRED!

From DC: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials only archived 86 text messages out of 3.1 million agency employees sent and received in 2015, according to a federal watchdog’s report made public Wednesday by House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Lamar Smith.

The EPA Office of Inspector General (IG) released the report requested by the Texas Republican, which described enormous text message retention problems within the EPA. One unnamed senior official configured his phone to automatically delete texts after 30 days.

The IG claimed EPA officials never “intentionally” violated the Federal Records Act and did not include the low number of archived texts in the body of its report, relaying it instead to congressional staff.

Multiple federal laws and regulations require that officials preserve all documents including email and text messages created in the course of conducting official business of the U.S. government.

“I applaud the inspector general at EPA for recognizing that there is a problem with EPA officials using texting for official business and the conflict it presents for maintaining records,” Smith said in a statement. “Out of the 3.1 million text messages analyzed by the IG, only 86 of the text messages were logged into the enterprise system at EPA as a federal record.

“This vast deficit is astonishing, and further discredits the claim made by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy that only one out of her 5,000 text messages was an official record according to EPA.

“A better process for maintaining this type of official correspondence to provide for congressional requests and Freedom of Information Act practices is lacking and needs to be addressed. I look forward to hearing how EPA specifically plans to address the deficits outlined by the IG report,” Smith said.

Smith requested the IG report in November 2014 after learning high-ranking EPA officials, including EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, may have deleted texts to hide official business.

Hang in there, folks. In 24 more days, Obama is gone!


So, what got deleted?  Was it “smoking gun” messages that would have revealed that the EPA was fabricating data to hide their “junk science” regulations?  Was it about texts from voters objecting to their policies?  Was it about predatory attacks on land owners with law suits and fines?  Was it about orders from the UN?  Was it Democrat political activities on company time?

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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