Friday, January 6, 2017

Misleading Media

Most of the movies playing on TV these days have embedded ads supporting global warming.  Even Fox News is playing an anti-Trump Democrat ad and have increased the number of Liberal anti-Trump guests, questions and complaints on all of their programs.

The never-ending coverage on the “difficulties” of repealing and replacing of Obamacare is designed to scuttle this task. It is simple. You end the mandates and fines. Then you allow insurers to offer a myriad of plans across State lines. Then you let Obamacare customers choose other, cheaper, more relevant plans. The customers who are really sick and are being over-treated and overcharged will have to cut their treatment costs. Many will leave ineffective care and succeed.

We need to know how many of these patients there really are. Case Management Nurses can help these patients make this transition. These customers can be identified using their medical cost histories and redirect them into better, cheaper treatment options. Congress can transfer these customers on to Medicare as disabled citizens.  All Medicare and Medicaid patients whose costs are high need to have patient advocate case management until their treatment costs are lowered.  Medical costs will remain to be a bottomless pit until case management on the highest 20% is utilized.

The media needs to be examining the facts related to the likely options the federal government will have after January 20th. We need honest programming about the history of immigration, trade, taxes, international interventions and financial disasters and their real causes. Refusal to concentrate on these issues should be regarded as “malpractice”.

The media is covering lots of irrelevant topics. The Russian hacking hoax is into its 3 week on Fox News, Bloomberg and CNN. The attacks of anti-Trump forces in Congress and in the federal agencies should be no surprise, but it isn’t what listeners should be fed continuously. Hacking may be a problem, but it is clearly a low priority distraction the listeners can’t solve. These distractions are launched on purpose to prompt listeners to take their eye off the ball and give Congress time to water down Trump’s plans.  News reporters do not confront anti-Trump interviewees with questions related to true priorities.

When our military planes are attacked, they launch “countermeasures” so that the enemy missiles will chase “chaff” instead of hitting the plane. The distractions offered by the media replicate that strategy.

Liberal Republican RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham are getting more air-time than you would think is appropriate, because they are part of the “Liberal Congress” that has voted with Democrats for decades.  Trump also ran against the RINO establishment and they are ready to join their bipartisan Democrat colleagues to oppose Trump’s reforms.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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