Friday, January 13, 2017

Voter Mistakes

US voters were not well served when they elected George HW Bush in 1988. He was an establishment RINO Reagan got saddled with as his VP.  If we had elected Ross Perrot in 1992, he would have rejected NAFTA and UN Agenda 21; he would have “drained the swamp” and killed political correctness.  True, his TV presence was lacking, so you had to view him as a cross between Harry Truman and Yoda.

The Clinton and Bush II years were a mixed bag of bad decisions and the beginnings of an insular Republican establishment and a Marxist oriented Democrat Party. Liberals in both parties allowed phony issues to be given a pass using political correctness.

US voters made a colossal mistake electing Obama in 2008. I read both of his books and knew he was a Communist operative.

US voters need to recognize that the Liberals have been feeding propaganda through the media and the government at all levels has been promoting Liberal doctrine through the schools and universities for decades. 

Too many voters were brainwashed in environmentalism and political correctness that overemphasizes race and unwarranted tolerance.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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