Monday, February 13, 2017

Democrats Behaving Badly

Democrats and RINOs are obstructing Senate votes on cabinet openings to slow Trump down. I would put the remainder of these votes on a fast track and run over the Democrats to get them passed. I would teach Democrats that tolerance must be earned.

The Democrats are interested in stopping these cabinet picks if they can, so they are slinging mud all over the floor. Conservatives think the Democrats will “do themselves in”: by showing their evil side.  But they will look back on how many weeks they delayed and feel like they won a victory by just slowing down the Trump agenda.

They will also enjoy watching their hand-picked liberal activist government employee infestation wreak havoc on the Trump administration. These employees will continue to sneak to continue Obama policies that have been reversed. Part of the delay in confirmations is to give their minions time to do as much damage as they can before they are caught.

After their displays of liable, slander, sabotage and sedition Democrats will insist that Republicans “meet the half-way” on all legislation.  That means they will fight like hell to keep all their bad law in place.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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