Friday, February 3, 2017

Eradicating the Entitlement Plague

Genesis of Entitlement Syndrome

Entitlement disease started decades ago in Socialist Europe to replace freedom and self-reliance with the state. This will take a long time to cure.

Democrats, Liberals and Socialists have successfully spread the entitlement plague to dullards over 4 generations of Americans by infiltrating the government, schools, universities and media.  UN One-World-Government Globalist Communists have spread the entitlement plague throughout Europe and the Third World.

This illness convinces everyone to think like a Communist. It espouses the false belief that all wealth should be distributed evenly across our 7 billion global population. It demands an end to sovereign countries. It seeks to end personal property rights for citizens. It is the same failed Communism that dooms failed countries like Venezuela and Cuba.

But you say, look at China, a “Communist” country that is prospering.  And I say, most Socialist and Communist countries with a brain have control of some mechanisms that generate revenue.  It may be a government owned oil business or agricultural commune in Africa, but its citizens have no real property rights and the little wealth there is goes to the rulers. China’s rise will be short lived unless they greatly expand real property rights and develop a private sector economy.

Totalitarian governments have a track-record of economic failure, because citizens are denied the freedom property rights and rule of law required to develop a private economy strong enough to sustain their population.

Failing governments have high debt and so do their citizens. Revenue is squandered by the government and all they can do is raise taxes until their citizens are tapped out. These folks didn’t get the Bible message about what to do when you have ‘7 years of plenty and expect 7 years of drought’.

Like many science fiction movies, it starts with the government starting the plague. These movies are precisely accurate. Like in some of these movies, the Democrats who invented Entitlement Syndrome have caught the disease. It’s like a reverse Stockholm Syndrome for sadomasochists.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is ‘A mental dysfunction causing those detractors with hateful thoughts and feelings about Donald Trump to go unhinged.’ It’s an associated disease present in many folks who have Entitlement Syndrome.

The Entitlement Plague is apparent in government welfare recipients who demand “their rights” to these entitlements. It is not government’s job to support their citizens with food and shelter and cell phones.  It is their responsibility.  If they are unable to do this, their families are responsible for helping them.  If they have no families, charities and individuals who are called to do charitable works are responsible for helping them. The only rights citizens do have is to live, liberty and property given by God and whatever claims they have for the money they gave the government in Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Students don’t have a “right” to an education. Students are responsible for getting their own education.

The poor don’t have a right to food stamps, housing subsidies and cell phones; they have an obligation to support themselves if they can.

Democrats don’t have a right to get their way and have Republicans seek them out just to be harassed. Republicans need to “walk away from the table”. Migrants don’t have a right to terrorize citizens in their guest countries.

Refugee criminal behavior, violence, protests and demands are symptoms of the entitlement syndrome we see in migrants behaving badly. We have seen enough to believe that all host countries need to kick these losers out and begin to control their immigration policies to attract the best the world can offer of the people they actually need. Socialist programs need to be eliminated, particularly for migrants. We need to end US participation in the UN Refugee Resettlement Program now.

The government agencies that handle welfare programs should have a plan to remove all unnecessary regulations and other government created obstacles and allow the private sector to hire US citizens first. This would involve working with unemployed citizens to determine what jobs they could perform. All hiring is local and involves employee referrals.  Getting the unemployed in the inner-cities to work will require recruiting companies who need their skills. Government needs to get out of the social engineering business and stop messing with our immigration policy. Government caused this excessive immigration problem obsessing over demographics.

Our original immigration policies included the process whereby employers requested work visas for foreign applicants when US citizens failed to qualify for job openings. Restoring that policy is a good place to start.

To eliminate excessive immigration, we need to secure the border, control our immigration processes and enforce our immigration laws.  We need to end Anchor Babies, Chain Migration and Lotteries. We need to eliminate the H2b work visas and greatly restrict the H1b visa to include the best of the best engineers and software developers. We need to continue F student visas for engineering graduate students. We should restrict foreign student employment in minimum wage jobs and give these jobs back to our own teenagers. The H2a Seasonal agriculture worker visa should be restored to require employer sponsorship, but local US citizen labor should be recruited as well. Companies should not be allowed to hire immigrants only and should not replace their US citizen workforce with foreign temp agency personnel

Ultimately, we need to be able to hire whoever we want and fire them at will.  Employment is done between hiring managers and applicants. To get to that level of freedom, we will need systems in place to make it easier for employment to take place on its own, so that US citizens are able to find the jobs they need to support themselves.

US citizens have rights not afforded to non-citizens. Not long ago the US had immigration policies that worked and we need to reinstate these policies.

Classifications of Entitlement Syndrome 

There are several groups of those afflicted with entitlement syndrome.  The plague exists in refugees, rioters, protestors, students and Democrats.

Group 1 is criminally aggressive folks who have been raised to be sociopaths. They will kill, rape and assault people. These are the refugees we are attempting to keep out of the US. The problem is identifying the sub-group that are potentially criminally aggressive, but haven’t killed, raped or assaulted anybody yet.

Group 2 is verbally aggressive and obstructionists including “in your face” activists found in Black Lives Matter and Democrats who demand bi-partisan decisions and refuse to repeal their own bad laws.

Group 3 is passive aggressive these are the polite Muslims who just want to get enough other Muslims to move in so they can elect their own Muslim Mayor.

Group 4 is passive manipulative. These are the snowflakes who whine and cry to attempt to garner sympathy.

All of these groups are funded by George Soros through thousands of non-profit NGOs with various names. They are manipulated by these non-profits to agitate in different venues for different causes and are supported by the media.

As Karl Marx said: “It’s a political struggle”. 

Treatment for Entitlement Syndrome

Eliminating entitlements is a good start.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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